Happy Thoughts

It’s like the opposite of a farmer/baker’s dozen


Had a good time at the Life seminar amidst the professional stuff, which was good too.

Some good meals with coworkers, saw lots of former coworkers.
That list just keeps getting longer.

Saw GadgetGeek, chatted a bit.

Met Tiffany. She is real, and she’s spectacular. Odd was there, but not in the conference, and we didn’t get a chance to meet.

Had a great evening with wat? He’s doing well but busy.

Great to be going in person again.


Can confirm.

Also, that’s very sweet. I very much enjoyed chatting with you sir.

Thanks, I can fake being socially adept for a couple minutes at least. :grinning:

I’m getting into the actuarial speaking circuit more and more. Maybe some year soon I can attend a large event and meet even more of yinz.


Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 8.24.18 AM

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So, I guess seals are 100% good and reliable.

Did you ever meet one who wasn’t?

I never met a seal.

Don’t lend this guy money. He is neither good nor reliable:


I don’t know that the dog that but me is 100% good and it definitely barked. But as for people… yeah… though that’s not a happy thought.

When you reluctantly agree to take a 2 question survey about the service you just received and it disconnects after the rep hangs up.

This way I don’t feel guilty not taking the survey.

Ordered for a little reading on my next trip

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It was 64 degrees this morning and I was feeling good and walked for 30 minutes. That doesn’t sound like much but I haven’t done it all summer. Have been doing some very short walks since being sick, trying to get my activity back to a normal level. Might go back to water aerobics tomorrow.


I finally got 2022 Survivor Fantasy Football up and running! :party:

Feels good to officially continue a long-held AO/GoActuary tradition! :+1:

Please come join us!

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And if that’s not enough fun for you, be sure to enter the GoA FSP Contest:

Regular entries will be accepted until kickoff Thursday & late-entries will be accepted until kickoff Sunday.

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Or the double elimination reverse suicide game. This one is not very time consuming, in case that’s a plus for you. Just pick one team to lose every week, can’t pick the same team more than once.

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I printed my my daughter’s master’s thesis and have it displayed in my office. I guess she never knew this. With all the kids in this weekend she noticed and seemed very moved.

Also, I had my grand daughter nap on me for about 1 1/2 hours on Sunday