Happy Thoughts

We seem to have a pile of unmatched socks that monotonically increases in size. Some years back I managed to convince everyone that each of us would have two sock options.

A) dress socks, we don’t wear them often so these aren’t generally too bad to keep matched, and
B) casual socks, we each pick one brand of socks and buy like 20 pairs of them, so that matching casual socks is easy because there will be very little variety

We’ve strayed a bit and I might need to reboot this idea, I do most of the laundry and I’m gettin’ real tired of the current sock situation.

ETA: maybe I should have moved this post over to the annoyed thoughts thread, but here it is, so.

When our sock orphan pile grows to big, we just toss them all out.


If it were up to me, that’s what I’d do. But my wife thinks throwing things out is sacrilege. Like, what if we throw out a sock and then, like what happened to JFG, the other one shows back up in 2025?

I do still have at least my socks under control, I have one type of sock that I wear 95% of the time. I bought three packs of them at Costco, all identical except some have gray stripes and some have black stripes. So at least making sure I have plenty of clean and sorted socks is easy. When they need replaced, I’ll toss all of them and buy all new.

Then the twins show up and you get to start a new pile!!!


We somewhat have done this but not as tight.

Have you ever though about getting socks that were two colors, like white on the top and black on the bottom? You could flip them over on your feet and then you pick which ever color on top is the one to match your outfit.

What do you think we could charge for such an idea for this type of new sock? We could try to make a pricing spreadsheet: A black soles sock option pricing model.


My iron was high enough to donate blood finally, and I just got this text.


Wife brought home Office Space from the library. That and the reappearing sock are the highlights of the week.


Got an all caps text in the middle of the night. My son’s boyfriend proposed :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


Congrats for them! That’s so awesome.

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In the bush camping with three international students right now. Three feet of snow and pouring rain. Students have gone shooting I’m back at camp making moose roast for dinner.

We spent an hour today digging two trucks out of the ditch. Lots of fun, they’re seeing Canadian winter fun for real this weekend.

The guy from India didn’t have a coat and was wearing flip flops. I loaned him a coat and took him into town to buy boots lol. We will both have stories to tell I guess.

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Flip flops and no coat??? Huh??? Wha??? :grimacing:

They had fun building a campfire last night for an hour. Tried and tried, I kept saying I have a propane torch but nope.
After an hour they used the torch.


Can’t make this stuff up. They’re not from Canada so they have no clue. Which is understandable.

They get an experience of a lifetime and I get to hear about things like life in Tunisia. Fair trade.

It took us an hour to get out of the bush this morning almost got stuck ourselves. So I put on new tires while we were in town which helped. We have to tow a trailer out tomorrow and not sure we would have made it with my existing tires.

They’ve had a few weeks here already, have they not? :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging:

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In section 9 of the Peacock (NBC) terms of service, you’ll find Kevin Malone’s chili recipe.


Had lunch today with our favorite centenarian (2 hour drive each way). She was delightful as always. Went to a fairly fancy restaurant in a resort hotel. Then back to her apartment for 90 minutes for chit chat before we had to leave. Nice way to brighten up the weekend.


Got our lovesac (luh-luh-love SAC!) delivered today! Ordered only a week ago.

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Third pic is moose with stuffing and fresh fries.

The top two are a crew of Serbians we ran into who had a couple of trucks in the ditch. Complete with the old guy in grey with a bottle of vodka in his back pocket lol. My truck is the dark one out front doing all the pulling.