Happy Thoughts

Did you try one of the Dippin mixtures? If yes, review needed

I Googled this: I didn’t know this was a thing!!! I did have a bunch of points racked up I turned in for a medium pizza though!!! :yum:

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Happy to see you, Sir!

I’m getting a Taco Bell Crunch Wrap tonight. Hope it does not disappoint. We have Taco Wednesday at my house to be different.


Its almost time to tap.the trees!


Taco Bell always disappoints.


I can’t quite get into the crunch wrap, maybe I’m a traditionalist.

This reminds me, I’ve been meaning to go to Taco Bell to see if they can make me an enchirito. I’m pretty sure if I ask for a bean burrito, add ground beef, and then ask them to smother it in red sauce and extra, extra cheese, and onions, that’ll do.

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The tortoise started being active again. I always get paranoid during the winter. I’m not sure that I have a good enough setup for him, and since he doesn’t really move for a couple months I worry that he might never move again. He’s still with us though!


was on a work trip at a conference at a nice hotel. left lunch and found…$50 on the ground. stood there for a few minutes to see if anyone came back looking. The Human Fund appreciates the donation

Is this a pet? Or are they just in your hood?

Pet. We inherited him about 5 years ago when my son’s friend moved. He was somewhere around 2 years old at the time, and much smaller. It’s been a lot of fun to see him wander around the yard.

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He looks pretty happy

Well, the bright side is that you only have another 143 years of pet ownership left.


So I know jack squat about tortoises. I’m not even sure that’s the right pluralization of the word. Is this the kind of tortoise that’ll be like three feet wide in another couple of decades?

We have a Russian tortoise, a couple years old now. Lifespan is about 50 years, so she will probably outlive us. Pretty low maintenance pet for our low maintenance kid.

He’s a sulcata. It looks like he could grow to be about 3ft front to back. He’s about 1.5ft now.

They generally live 70+ years, so he’ll hopefully survive me by a couple decades.

Also - I have no idea if he is actually a he…

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remember to spay and neuter your pets.

If he is a she, I expect she would be laying eggs by now!

My gf and I were at sbux yesterday. She handed me some chocolate and a little 1 year old sitting next to us put his hand out too!!! My gf gave him some (pre-wrapped) chocolate too!!! Totez adorbz!!! :grinning:


Spent the weekend on my son’s laptop. Successfully recovered his masters thesis that he’s weeks away from defending.
He’s taken over my laptop with all his data on our cloud server like it should be (backups, offsite, etc). So he’ll never have a problem again.
And, looks like I’m going for another laptop for myself.