Happy Thoughts

Mothers day gift from our little one. She made this at school for her mom.


my iPod touch works! It’s from something like 2009, last used substantially probably 4 years ago and back then I thought there was something wrong with the headphone jack because it would play audio through the speaker just fine, but when plugging headphones in it would cut out like 2/3 of the tracks (like I’d only hear the rhythm section) and be weird. Well, I’ve been on a “find and check old electronics” kick recently, and this one got plugged in yesterday.

First win: I had a charger that fit and it charged up!

Second win: it still works!! Sure, the button doesn’t work (use the slider), and the 3-d tilt sensor is malfunctioning (so older tilt games like marble labyrinth don’t work), but it’s for music which is working so score.

Third win: I was able to fiddle with the headphones and now they actually are fully functional again!!!

Fourth win: I was able to get a 3rd party software for 20 bucks that allowed me to copy all 2,800 songs from the iPod to my laptop (PC), as iTunes was being a snit about it.!!! So now I have a backup when this actually goes out, or if I want to put some of these songs on my iPod Shuffle.


Not quite as happy as hoped thought: I saw a version of this on Facebook today that I liked even more, but don’t know how to share that. This is extremely similar, and certainly a happy thought.

Warning: it’s 5:19 long.

The neighbor who practically never mows her lawn decided to go out this morning and start mowing her back yard. This is an area that, as of 8:40am this morning, hadn’t been mowed once this year and is turning into dandelions and clumps of grass and whatever other weeds are growing. For reference, we have now mowed 4 times and we could easily mow again today.

8:40am - she starts mowing.
8:45am - she finally gets one pass done through the back yard, from the back fence to the house.
8:46am - it starts raining. She continues trying to mow.
8:48am - it downpours.
8:49am - she finally realizes maybe it’s not a good idea to try to mow in a driving rain.

electric, gas or manual ?

As they say in cricket - Play abandoned due to weather conditions.

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The field is dry and play can resume, but before that we take time for tea.


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Power went out in the middle of the night. I didn’t realize it until I woke up this morning, and then it was restored not 15 seconds after that.



My neighbour brought us over some asparagus from her garden. Oven roasted with some olive oil and salt… :yum:


I ate asparagus last night too!!!

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I don’t believe I have any rainbow items, but it is still a happy thought.



Upvote. Still looking for a shark sticker for my truck. Those that know, will know. And those that don’t, fine, no conflict.

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Southwest flights are now included in the Google Flights search. Jeez, finally!


Went to a city meeting tonight, it’s not quite a done deal but it appears they are moving forward with plans to reconfigure the road I live on.

Currently two lanes each way plus a turn lane. Will become one lane each way with a turn lane plus one bike lane each way. And on the side of the street opposite me there isn’t a sidewalk and they will add one.

Absolute win, but several of my neighbors are up in arms. Will make it more congested for cars, make it harder to pull out from their driveway. Won’t someone think of the motorists!?!?!?


Yes, this is where I’m at in life, attending public meetings to discuss road construction.


Damn, me too. Was at a local planning meeting where I was in the minority.

The project on your street sounds good to me.

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sounds like my town. was anyone protesting the communist party roundabouts too?