Happy Thoughts

Not too hot, not too cold today: Daddy gonna actuarialize on the back deck this aft!!!

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Yeah, it’s been perfect here the last few days. Well… chilly this morning, actually. But currently 75 and sunny with a light breeze, which I consider perfect.

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The forecast here keeps saying it’s gonna be in the 90s five days from now, but the heat just keeps getting pushed back. It’s 85° here now but the dew point is 59° so it’s really pleasant. Much better than last week’s 108° with a 79° dew point!

I’m gonna dust off the bike after work and push a few miles.

Pad Thai.

Cross post to lunch thread.

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Receptionist at my chiropractor’s office: twig, every time I see you you’re skinnier than the last time. You look fantastic!

Wow… that was a nice ego boost!


My son’s robotics team is teaching a lot of basics, last week they tried to do soldering but it’s HS kids and they didn’t plan well (will talk to them about that) so each kiddo only had like five minutes to practice. So last night I asked my son if he wanted to go work on that and we went to the garage and soldered for an hour. He seemed pretty jazzed that by about the sixth attempt he was getting it down pat. Good skill to know, imo.

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Earlier this summer my mom’s boyfriend’s twin brother was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Had surgery to remove as much of it as they could followed by radiation & chemotherapy. He’d been staying with my mom & her boyfriend so they could take care of him, but when Boyfriend got Covid, Brother retreated to his prior home.

Today’s update from Boyfriend’s SIL who has taken up the mantle of caring for Brother:

Hooray! Maybe I should cross post in the fuck cancer thread.


Heh, I don’t think she was hitting on me. She’s married to one of the [male] chiropractors. It was just a nice compliment. Otherwise I’d post it in the insignificant signals thread.

I’m down 16 pounds this year so far, and a clothing size.


I wonder if they would say the same thing to your new boss.


I mean, I actually needed to lose the weight. And I’m not to my goal yet. And my goal will still have me a lot heavier than my boss because I have no desire to look anorexic.

omg a young man who did something to end up in a state pokey (not just regular juvie) came back to re-enroll in our school today! :grin: I kept in touch with grandma while he was away. I’m excited for him to show his true potential!


Saw two trees with red leaves today. :maple_leaf:

Fall is my favorite time of year… sooooooo pretty!!!


I’m going to DC in a couple of weeks for meetings. I tacked on two days to see the holocaust museum, I think it’s the last item on my DC bucket list. Which I guess is kind of a weird happy thought, I think it’s something I’ll remember.

ETA: I don’t need two days just to see one museum, I’m sure I’ll find other things that interest me. Love DC. Not sure I’d want to live there but live visiting.


I’m going to DC in a couple weeks too. Don’t think I have enough free time to meet up as the calendar is relatively full, but some items on the agenda for sure:
ATL at DC united 9/20
Braves at Nationals 9/22
Beers at Ivy and Coney

Maybe I can squeeze in a museum visit 9/21 or 9/22. The Smithsonian museums are one of the best things about DC. I could spend a lot of time there.

I’m right behind you, I have meetings the 27th and 28th and I’m staying through the 30th. Maybe next time!

girl behind the ice cream counter: Can I get a name for the order?

me: Big John Stud

counter girl: ???

me: yeah, I’m sure

girl: types, then prints out the receipt and shows it to everyone else behind the counter and they all crack up, and me and my date enjoy watching all workers laugh, knowing that finish-girl is going to have to call out, in a loud voice, “BIG JOHN STUD!” as soon as the order is ready.

When it is, she does, and everyone is having a great time for the rest of the night.


I went with my sons yesterday to the unveiling of the FTC game for the year. Looks like fun.

Their team doesn’t have a ton of funding or experience, but they enjoy it. They somehow sneaked their way into state last year.

The school where I teach has a really good robotics program and generally does quite well.


posted cuts on a bunch of clothes I just don’t wear anymore. proving the point, i found a target receipt in the pocket of one pair of pants from…2010? glad I have that hanger open for nothing. i do hope to refresh some things soon but no hurry.


I don’t know what my neighbour is cooking, but it smells phenomenal!!! :drooling_face:

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