Happy Thoughts


I think I will be able to sew on my machine sooner than I had originally thought, if I just prop it up a bit so I don’t have to bend my neck to look down. Which means filling my time over the next month or two won’t be so bad!

I won’t be able to do any quilting, as that requires using both arms to move several layers of fabric around and takes some muscle, but I can do the piecing/top work just fine, which is probably 90% of the time and effort for most quilts anyhow.



@JFG: I hit the English deli today that has the good, fudgy brownies!!! :yum:

And I got some good stuff at the Italian and Polish delis!!! :drooling_face: :yum:

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Elements of Happy Thoughts, elements of Sad Thoughts.



Quite possibly paywalled, but it looks like you could read a few articles free. I read it in my Apple News Feed.

tl;dr: A shelter dog in El Paso escaped from his new owner and found her way back to the shelter, 10 miles away.


My son got invited to a birthday party, it’s today. It’s a boy he was in the same class with last year, they are in different classes this year and have different friend groups.

I had assumed this boy was forced to invite everyone from his class and my son got an invite because they are both in Spanish club after school once a week, but I found out that only a handful of kids got invites, and some of my son’s mutual friends with this boy didn’t make the cut.

I’m not happy because other kids didn’t get invited, but I’m happy that some kids see my son as one of their good friends. I worry about him connecting with other kids sometimes. He’s a very kind boy, and thinks of others, but is very shy and reluctant to put himself out there and as a result often gets/feels left out of things.

It’s a nerf party, he’s going to have a lot of fun. He’s really excited. I wish I could go to see it.


Good weekend so far

Took a long walk Friday morning and dropped off the last of the books I was rehoming
Out to Dinner at a local (easy walk) bar Friday night, with BiL & SiL.

Clean bill of health (pending blood work) from MD

Went to Torah study, discussed Jethro (Moses’ FiL) - phone sends me recommendation for Beverly Hillbillies video

Got a lot of stuff out of my FiLs house we are bringing to the auction house my son works at. Felt accomplished.

Saturday dinner at another local bar (easy walk), sit at bar, great band. A lot of positive energy.

Today, nice breakfast at local diner, seated right away, because only big groups waiting. then to boardwalk to watch this year’s Polar Bear plunge. The neighborhood is crazy active today. Not plunging this year, have in past. Bought a couple of over priced hats, but all goes to Make a Wish.

This afternoon to a friends house to pick excursions for an upcoming cruise and watch half the Super Bowl (have an early flight tomorrow)

Just a busy weekend that makes me happy I downsized to here.

Funny I picked this weekend, as last weekend we flew to FL with younger daughter an her Boy Friend to visit my 97 yo dad

and next weekend taking Son & younger to dinner between their birthdays, drop off the auction items and do some wedding planning for his marriage in May.

Maybe need to put in what did you do this weekend thread, though that seemed to have died


My son (HS freshman) joined the robotics team. I signed on to be a mentor, despite knowing little about robotics. So we are both learning a lot! It’s obviously a lot of technical stuff, but it is also a lot of old fashioned practical stuff.

Yesterday we were working on the arm, so we got to think about how the pneumatic system makes it move. And we got to break out the tap and die set to fabricate some parts.

It’s a lot of fun, and he is learning some really amazing skills. I was worried he might not stick with it because it’s about 8 hours per week, but practically every day he wants to get there early.




Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 8.21.19 PM

Yes, he has a ton of money, but yes, it’s still a happy thought. From the article, he’s been a long-time supporter. Michael Jordan donates $10M to Make-A-Wish for 60th birthday

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I feel genuinely happy and carefree for the first time since….before I started working maybe? Not stressing about work, not in constant pain, not anxious about anything, my kids are old enough to not be constant work, my relationship with my husband is great…the stars have aligned, it’s very nice. I hope to ride this feeling for as long as possible - disability lasts six more weeks max.


Must have something to do with to the quilts. Keep up the good work!

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Winter camping up north with 15 Uwaterloo students and a few alumni:


The tree in the middle picture…about a 12" tree. We put a target on it and shot at it with SKS’s (high powered antique rifles). And…actually cut it down. Wasn’t expecting that, but I guess with 15 people X 20 rounds each.

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Did you lose anyone in the coffin sized hole in the ice?

We didn’t end up going. Not enough time. We had to bail a night early. It was going down to -18C last night, and some of the students weren’t prepared/equipped for that level of cold.

Interesting weekend. One of the students who came with is doing a double term coop at a venture capital firm. We are going to have a meeting, and if it pans out he’ll introduce me to the management at the firm. He was excited about what im doing online, he thinks it has top tier potential in the startup world.

It means nothing yet, but its exciting due to potential. He did say that the venture capital folks dont talk to anybody without an introduction…which i now have just because i took some randos camping and made them some chicken wings.

Cool, because im no expert at this startup stuff. He uses terms like ‘pre-seed stage’, whereas i just say ‘yeah, we dont really make any money’.


Our driveway gates broke. Looks like it was just a dead battery, yay.

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