Happy thanksgiving!


It just wouldn’t be thanksgiving without the headless walking turkey

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Had a really good thanksgiving here. Bit smaller gathering than we normally have, only 10 folks. But, we had a really good visit this time.

Except my pumpkins got raided. They’re ornamental white pumpkins bit i.was saving them to process with some students. Fam came over and everyone helped themselves. I’ve got four left.


Metric thanksgiving?

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It’s the real thanksgiving. American thanksgiving is like Chinese new year. Right idea, poorly timed implementation.


Ddi you have the traditional salt beef, biscuits and mushy peas?

I’m still so full, way too much pie kicking around

No salt beef. That side of the family is in Newfoundland moose hunting right now so we escaped that particular salt bloat.

I’ve got three university students coming over tomorrow morning to slice and dice the pumpkins in my garden, steam them into puree, then make pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread. But I agree with Snickelfritz, I’ve already had my share of pumpkin pie for the year.

LPT: every year we get a costco pumpkin pie. It’s about a half acre in size, costs like $6.99, and tastes as good or better than what gramma used to make.

I’ve found costco pies to taste somewhat “industrial”…I love a pecan pie but the costco pie has no love in it.

You can not have too much pumpkin pie. And store bought pie is no substitute for homemade even Costco. But them maybe your grandma just wasn’t a very good cook.



When I was on my own for my first thanksgiving, I decided to make gramma’s pumpkin pie. Bought some pumpkins, then called her up on the phone for the recipe. She starts with ‘one can of pumpkin pie filling’. WTF gramps?

So you’re not wrong. That woman could boil the crap out of potato, I tell you what.

My mother, who’s every bit as good of a cook as my grandmother, now lives with my sister and her husband. My BIL was telling me he had to finally say something about the potatoes, they’re that bad. She’ll boil them until they’re almost done. Then leave them sit on the stove in water. Then turn up the heat and reboil them. Totally waterlogged. I responded with, i know, I ate that for the first 18 years of my life lol.

Similiarly, my spouse makes the absolute best corn on the cob. She times it, I think like 3 minutes. I never liked corn on the cob until I got married. Turns out, mom boils the corn for about 10 minutes. Thus my dislike. I mentioned it once to my mother that maybe she should follow my wife’s instructions, and all I got was an ‘oh well’. Dammit ma, that’s why you’re going in the home.


Growing up in my house everything was cooked in the microwave.

My spouse now keeps a fully stacked spice cabinet. Apparently I love vegetables when they have flavour.


Dude, bruh!

Despite growing up in the midwest, where you can grow veggies, I think 90% of the vegetables I ate growing up came out of a can. Took me a while to realize that fresh food tastes a bit different. And that green beans aren’t supposed to be that mushy.

I struggle with canned green beans regardless of how they are sliced, and don’t like canned peas. Frozen are OK, but I much prefer fresh.

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Fresh pee? I guess there’s a thing for that…

Corn is the only veggie that’s even ok canned, and even corn isn’t great from a can. I basically can’t / won’t eat any other canned veggie.

Frozen is much better, although no substitute for fresh, of course.

I love canned beans. Prefer them over fresh, and I like fresh beans. I also like pickled beans, but I DIY those every year myself. Just cracked open the last jar for thanksgiving supper on the weekend. THink I’ll have some more for lunch, don’t mind if I do.
Frozen vegetables are from satan. I’m old enough now that I can simply refuse to eat them. And, I do. Refuse to.

My carrots in the garden are coming right along. Good point, I think I’ll make glazed carrots for supper this weekend.

Fresh >>> Frozen >>>>>>>>>>> Canned. General rule for veggies.

Though I do agree canned beans are fine. Also canned tomatoes not bad and useful in a number of recipes.