Gun Violence in America

I think SV had it right the first time. American culture has had a really toxic gun fetish since forever.


What percentage of murders are committed by first time criminals?

I don’t know what percentage of murders are committed by first time criminals

Are you arguing for longer prison sentences for first time criminals??? Is first time crime a gateway to murder??

Maybe we should convince more gun owners to not become criminals.

Like in Montana or West virginia that have higher homicide rates than California or New York.

Sort of looks like a map of gun ownership rates and republican voter rates.

Note that Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, which are among the lower homicide rate states, are also among the most gun-friendly states.

No I’m saying that a lot of folks who have never had any criminal background get guns. And sometimes those folks kill people. Sometimes a lot of people.

I thought it looked like a map of the prevalence of diabetes.

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Diabetes causes gun ownership! TIL!


That 6-year old probably had at least 3 priors amirite.

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Yes, if you can’t afford insulin, you buy gun to acquire it. Simple. A gun is way cheaper than insulin.

Gun friendly, but don’t own guns apparently?

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How do they know who owns guns when you dont have to register them or do a background check to own/buy them?

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From the study:

We used data from a nationally representative sample of 4000 US adults, from 50 states and District of Columbia, aged >18 years to assess gun ownership and social gun culture performed in October 2013.

1 in 10 in NJ owns a gun? That’s scary

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That documentary on HBO leads me to believe that number is low.

You know: “The Sopranos.”


Yeah, gotta kick those people all back to @ao_fan’s hometown

Wow with a survey sample size that small, there are some serious error bars around those numbers. That .x% is just noise for smaller pop states. There also have been a large number of gun sales between then and now. Not sure how that impacts people with guns, but at least some should be first time owners.

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Ring ring
“Hi! We’re taking a survey of gun ownership by location. Do you own a gun?”
“And what is your address?”
Supplies street address
“Thanks! Is anyone home right now?”
“Neah, this is my cell”