GoA Sheep Game

[Sound check]
One Two…One Two…
[feedback screech]
[steps back…adjustments made to sound board…steps forward]
One Two…One Two…
Give me a wave if you can hear me in the back row!
Okay? It looks like we’re ready…I’ll give you a minute to grab your final snacks and find your seat.
The Sheep reveal will begin very shortly.
:popcorn: :beer:



Thank you, everyone, for your participation in the inagural…inaugarul…very first Sheep® Game™ on GoActuary - home to the internet’s busiest actuarial discussion forum.

I’m 1695814, your host for this debacle.

Please, take your seats and we will begin the reveal show with…[mumbles]which one are we starting with[/mumbles]…We’ll begin the reveal with Question #1


1 Female sheep are called ewes. Name a protein that you would like to eat for dinner.

score; answer
6; Chicken
6; Steak
4; Beef
3; Lamb

answer; guest
6; 1695814
6; JFG
6; YankeeTripper
6; MayanActuary
6; OldTimer
6; PatientZombie
6; BruteForce
6; soyleche
6; John.S.Mill
6; UltimateAnyone
6; Kat987
6; gandalf
4; IPD
4; A_Student
4; Snake
4; NumericalNeuroticism
3; Celalta
3; CuriousGeorge
3; Lucy

cumulative score; guest
6; 1695814
6; JFG
6; YankeeTripper
6; MayanActuary
6; OldTimer
6; PatientZombie
6; BruteForce
6; soyleche
6; John.S.Mill
6; UltimateAnyone
6; Kat987
6; gandalf
4; IPD
4; A_Student
4; Snake
4; NumericalNeuroticism
3; Celalta
3; CuriousGeorge
3; Lucy

Woo-hoo! Tied for 1st! :astonished:

(I know it won’t last, so gotta cheer while I can! :+1: )

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You and me - both, buddy!


I can’t believe I’m sitting here watching the reveals like it’s the NFL draft. I am sooo tired of studying.


2 Male sheep are called rams. Name a non-brass instrument found in a band.

score; answer
10; Drums
4; Guitar
2; Saxophone
2; Clarinet
1; Flute

answer; guest
10; JFG
10; MayanActuary
10; IPD
10; CuriousGeorge
10; BruteForce
10; John.S.Mill
10; UltimateAnyone
10; Lucy
10; Snake
10; NumericalNeuroticism
4; YankeeTripper
4; Celalta
4; PatientZombie
4; Kat987
2; OldTimer
2; A_Student
2; soyleche
2; gandalf
2; 1695814

Leader Change #1

cumulative score; guest
16; JFG
16; MayanActuary
16; BruteForce
16; John.S.Mill
16; UltimateAnyone
14; IPD
14; Snake
14; NumericalNeuroticism
13; CuriousGeorge
13; Lucy
10; YankeeTripper
10; PatientZombie
10; Kat987
8; OldTimer
8; soyleche
8; gandalf
7; 1695814
7; Celalta
6; A_Student

2 questions in, and still on top??? That’s a new record for me!

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Wow, me too. I usually fall behind really fast in these.

3 The process of giving birth is called Lambing. What’s the first ingredient you would use to season a Lamb chop.

score; answer
15; Salt
1; Thyme
1; Rosemary
1; Black Pepper
1; Mint

answer; guest
15; 1695814
15; JFG
15; YankeeTripper
15; MayanActuary
15; IPD
15; Celalta
15; PatientZombie
15; BruteForce
15; A_Student
15; soyleche
15; John.S.Mill
15; UltimateAnyone
15; Lucy
15; Snake
15; NumericalNeuroticism
1; OldTimer
1; CuriousGeorge
1; Kat987
1; gandalf

cumulative score; guest
31; JFG
31; MayanActuary
31; BruteForce
31; John.S.Mill
31; UltimateAnyone
29; IPD
29; Snake
29; NumericalNeuroticism
28; Lucy
25; YankeeTripper
25; PatientZombie
23; soyleche
22; 1695814
22; Celalta
21; A_Student
14; CuriousGeorge
11; Kat987
9; OldTimer
9; gandalf


UA and me are going the distance!

By the way, I think that those tied for first should be listed in alphabetical order :wink:

Okay, not bad I suppose. I can respect the steak vs beef separated decision. Missing salt looks like a killer

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I like this so far! Baaaaaa

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I was supposed to break ties via order of entry but the intern didn’t get that set up in the Sheep Gonculator, so…

I miss Browncoat, he would goat his sheep answers.

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4 A group of sheep is called a flock. What is the ideal size for a group of friends get-together?

Remember, when looking at the scores & answers, that score is listed first…followed by the answer…

score; answer
6; 4
6; 6
4; 5
1; 9
1; 10
1; 8

answer; guest
6; 1695814
6; JFG
6; YankeeTripper
6; MayanActuary
6; IPD
6; OldTimer
6; A_Student
6; John.S.Mill
6; UltimateAnyone
6; Snake
6; NumericalNeuroticism
6; Kat987
4; Celalta
4; CuriousGeorge
4; BruteForce
4; Lucy
1; PatientZombie
1; soyleche
1; gandalf

cumulative score; guest
37; JFG
37; MayanActuary
37; John.S.Mill
37; UltimateAnyone
35; IPD
35; BruteForce
35; Snake
35; NumericalNeuroticism
32; Lucy
31; YankeeTripper
28; 1695814
27; A_Student
26; Celalta
26; PatientZombie
24; soyleche
18; CuriousGeorge
17; Kat987
15; OldTimer
10; gandalf

Still going strong! :+1:

(And where’s JFG? He’s usually great at this, so surprised he’s not here for the reveal.)

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