GoA Sheep Game III - now with ChatGPT

Welcome to the GoA Sheep Game III. This game was started by vividox(?) on the AO quite a few years ago. Remnants and variants of it exist around the world wide web.

The inaugural GoA Sheep Game can be found here and v2 can be found here, in case you’re interested.

The game is simple. I will ask 20 questions. You will send to me, in a properly-formatted PM or email, your answers/replies to these questions/requests-for-info. Your goal is to match the replies of your fellow competitors. You will earn points for the number of answers that match yours, with the exception of the last question which will be based on the results of your RPS throw.

Ties will be broken by order of entry (i.e., earlier is better).

Post two of this thread will have the questions and more information on how to submit them.

Answers are due by Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM ET.
Expect the reveal show to be posted that evening. That will give you all of Friday to complain about the scoring & moderator.

Come on in and join the fun!

P.S. I’m not only the shepherd of this game, I’m also a participant sheep. My answers have already been submitted (though, I will take the second-to-last entry for purposes of the tie-breaker) and are being kept securely in an off shore tax haven bank account. If the host tries to pull any funny business or hanky-panky, he’ll be shown the door faster than you can say “42 snorkeling Applebees waitresses”. Complaints may be sent to the QWERTY (Quality Workforce Employment and Retraining for Today’s Youth). Further, not only have most of the questions been provided by chatgpt, but it is also a participant (and will take the last entry for the tie-breaker).

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Copy/paste these questions/statements to a PM (preferred) to me or email (might get lost). Type your reply after the final semicolon.

(Use of the internet or any other external resource is NOT ALLOWED for any questions. Think about it. With your mind!)

Q1; Name something that is one-use only.;
Q2; Name a type of fruit that is commonly found in a fruit salad.;
Q3; Name a common household item that people often misplace.;
Q4; Name a type of cuisine that is known for its spiciness.;
Q5; Name a common item found in a first aid kit.;
Q6; Name a common tool found in a toolbox.;
Q7; Name a popular flavor of ice cream.;
Q8; Name a type of flower commonly given as a gift.;
Q9; Name a common item found in a gym bag.;
Q10; Name a type of tree commonly found in a park.;
Q11; Name a common type of breakfast food.;
Q12; Name a popular type of sandwich.;
Q13; Name a common item found in a glove compartment.;
Q14; Name a common hobby.;
Q15; Name a type of kitchen appliance.;
Q16; Name a common type of outdoor activity.;
Q17; Name a popular type of cookie.;
Q18; Name a popular type of pizza topping.;
Q19; Name a common type of insect found in a garden.;
Q20; Rock, Paper, or Scissors?;


  • SteveWhite
  • JFG
  • OldTimer
  • MayanActuary
  • soyleche
  • NumericalNeuroticism
  • BruteForce
  • CuriousGeorge
  • OutdoormanNowActuary
  • Vorian_Atreides
  • Kid_Rock
  • NormalDan
  • UltimateAnyone
  • AbstractActuary
  • Mountainhawk
  • WishBear
  • A_Student
  • Doctor_Who
  • Lucy
  • 1695814
  • ChatGPT


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In! In! In!

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Posting to remember to enter later

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IIRC, vividox certainly hosted a plethora of these ovinary diversions.

And Browncoat would give funny goat answers instead



Entered earlier today

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You’re #3!!!


Entries will be processed in the evening. …just FYI

We’re up to 10 entrants plus two losers.

If your name isn’t on this list, that means you haven’t entered or, if you actually did enter, been acknowledged as entering, so you might need to rattle some chains.

I’m a little nervous about having to compete against chatGPT. Picking the most common response is probably what it’s the best at. Prediction: chatGPT finishes in the top 1/2.


Consider that its “source” for most common is very likely not aligned with those who are actually responding to the game.

I did think it would be a fun variation where we submit what we think ChatGPT will respond with and get 10 points for a correct match and 5 points for a sheep answer (so, 15 points possible per question).
