GH-Specialty Fall 2021


46 and 47 have a lot of overlap. (And 55 is just a nightmare). I got a far as making a beautiful combined outline of 46&47, but didn’t memorize it. Maybe next time.

I agree reinsurance is overdue for a question. Also could see the innovative case study being on there since it’s newish and has a ton of lists. Since 45, 46, and 47 were tested last time, I guess I’ll focus on 12 and 55.

55 was tested recently as well. I guess there’ll be no asops tomorrow!! (Kidding)

Warning that you should not rule out topics based on frequency and recency of testing (obviously).

But yeah, fuck ASOP 55. I have the list of 14 considerations memorized for CAAs, but it was a bitch to memorize.

ASOPs seem to average 2-4 points per exam The last 2 exams being the outliers

Fall 20 (0 points)
Spring 21 (6 points)

Still about 3 points per exam :slight_smile:

2 hours until my exam. Just trying to wake up after a long night with my kids waking me up 5 times. Good luck to everyone! We’ll be done soon :slight_smile:

Easier than expected.

I’m done! No CBT issues either

Way too early to talk about exam even super general stuff

felt like a 6… now we wait.


Write down what you remember of the exam while you still remember it…(to yourself for now obviously)

I really hope we FAC together.

This is a professional chat. Cool it with the profanity.

Everyone is suspiciously happy

Exam topics could not have been better for me (as a first timer who was doubling up with FV). I had to BS that first brutal 4 pointer, and I stupidly missed the word problems on the last question until only 1.5 minutes left and could only spew out a few short phrases. But even if I went 0/7 on those points I feel I got 27 or 28/40 minimum.

I’m scared it was too easy and they’ll make the curve really hard to fail me.

I’m annoyed there weren’t more call problems. You could have passed this exam without studying a single calculation.

It would be awesome!
