Fun activity

No cougars found at church? I’m surprised.

Goodnight Moon

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I guess not, but apparently all cougars wear slippers

Agreed. I also didn’t like that they didn’t explain the actual goal (words unlikely to be used with other) until after you were done.

I wonder this about mine. “Shade” can be a verb as well as a noun, and it was one of my better performing selections.

“Your score is 91.1, higher than 97.51% of the people who have completed this task”


pretty good getting that score with concrete nouns. I think some of us were trying to get better scores using abstract conceptual nouns.

Guess you didn’t see the only Instruction on the page:



First try: 72.73
Second try after reading the instructions: 80.54

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Of course I did. But “words that are as different from each other as possible” is not really the same thing as “words that are not used together in similar contexts”.


I’m seeing an anecdotal correlation between word length and obscurity. Observe Brute Force’s 5.5 letters / word resulting in the mid-70s vs. my_alt’s 7.x letters / word. coming in over 90. Coincidence? Maybe I need a data scientist to help me parse this limited data set.

Your score is 88.91, higher than 94.88% of the people who have completed this task

mouse stream solid puncture stunt help ennui
mouse - 89 79 89 85 80 100
stream 89 - 73 90 97 84 97
solid 79 73 - 81 92 74 104
puncture 89 90 81 - 87 90 90
stunt 85 97 92 87 - 85 100
help 80 84 74 90 85 - 102
ennui 100 97 104 90 100 102 -



kumquat was my best word choice

kumquat whale gold virus toaster field train
kumquat - 93 99 103 88 108 109
whale 93 - 86 84 97 90 78
gold 99 86 - 90 87 81 82
virus 103 84 90 - 92 89 89
toaster 88 97 87 92 - 97 93
field 108 90 81 89 97 - 79
train 109 78 82 89 93 79 -

Your score is 91.73, higher than 98.01% of the people who have completed this task


I’m also seeing an anecdotal relationship between people who came to the thread later, read more of it before they made their entries, and therefore had more information about how to game the score versus those who saw just the first post and tried it with much less bias.


Actuaries gonna actuary


83.14 I ddid not look at answers here before I took the quiz

These are the distances computed between each of your words:

checker door flail spoon tree curb globe
checker - 88 97 92 81 88 91
door 88 - 92 81 72 64 84
flail 97 92 - 81 82 89 94
spoon 92 81 81 - 79 84 81
tree 81 72 82 79 - 76 75
curb 88 64 89 84 76 - 77
globe 91 84 94 81 75 77 -

I attempted to game the system and got this:

Going to call that a win, then. (Actually I think two of those are adjectives and not nouns - but I’m still taking what I can.)

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