For my fellow Catholics

probably did this one before… but it always makes me chuckle



Today is St. Augustine’s memorial day (yesterday was his mom’s)

Do -you- know how to pronounce his name properly?

Here is a paper looking at the various points:

Whether Augustine’s Name
Should Be Pronounced
AW-gus-teen or aw-GUS-tin?

by David A. Horner

To be truly pedantic, one should go with his Latin name, Augustinus, pronounced: : ow-goost-EE-nus


Ad 4. We are deeply hurt by the ad hominem charge that people who pronounce it aw-GUS-tin are effete, pretentious Anglophiliacs. Seeking always
to embody the spirit of magnanimity,4
we ourselves would not stoop to the
level of such slander, invective, and personal attacks in dealing with the kind
of low-class, know-nothing jerks that would say things like this.
In sum, as it has been wisely said: in Florida it’s AW-gus-teen, but in
heaven it’s aw-GUS-tin. And we should certainly not confuse the two places.

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I actually heard someone speaking of this saint recently, and they called him Au GUST in, and I thought I’d been saying it wrong my whole life. But perhaps not.

Given Ohio’s penchant for pronouncing city names weird, they probably say it ay-YOO-jest.

I may have shared this before:

Click through to vimeo for a documentary on Nicholas Black Elk, Servant of God, on the road to canonization

Here’s an article:

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Today’s random Catholic content:


Happy Michaelmas!

(and the other archangels and angels’ day)

I will give you the archangels!

from here:

Happy Lepanto Day!

(Daniel Mitsui Art)


ok, look – I like Bl. Carlo Acutis (and I’ve seen his heart! woo!)

but I have been laughing at some of these

from the reddit thread

Happy Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist

I hope we get some manga of their adventures!

awww so sweet

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