FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

As i understand it, doj appealed the special master having authority in the about 100 top secret documents.

Every lawyer i hear interviewed, liberal and conservative, seems to think this judge was incorrect to assign the special master to those documents.

I’m presuming then that the appeal will work, and this hopefully won’t be effectively delay the case all that well.

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As the funny meme said, only Donald Trump could avoid jailtime because there is too much evidence.


Well wrong thread but can’t find the New York one right now. Seem Trump will need another crack law team to fight a $250M fraud case in NY.

In addition to whatever federal investigations are going on, I still think he may have big legal issues in GA with respect to efforts to overturn the election.

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That phone call was perfect, you are crazy.

It’s kind of hard to keep track of the Trump/Trump Org/Trump Campaign lawsuits as well as the various satellite lawsuits to people in Trump’s orbit.

DOJ wins on appeal: they can continue to use the classified docs seized at Mar a Lago in their criminal investigation. The special master won’t be allowed to review the classified material taken either. As I understand it, these were basically the only 2 items the DOJ sought in their appeal.

The special master of course still has a mountain of other allegedly purloined materials to review.


Ketchup flying fast and furious around Mara-a-Lago tonight


Major legal ouch for Trump.

I think the last paragraph of the story merits highlighting:

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Trump: I could declassify documents by thinking about it

The special master put them on the spot. He said put it in writing. The hard part is once you put it in writing you can be held in contempt. They refused and now it’s in writing that they couldn’t and wouldn’t try to prove the documents were declassified. Weird circular logic but basically a legal version of put up or shut up.

Table 1: Do you believe Donald Trump had top secret and other classified material or national security documents at his home in Mar-a-Lago this summer?

Party ID Yes No
Total 67 33
Republican 39 61
Independent 65 34
Democrat 93 7

Not really news, just a reminder of where the country is and will remain.


How could one answer no to this question? It is not a question of opinion such as did he have the right
to have such documents at his home. Do they believe the material was not classified, was once classified but declassified by Trump or that the material was planted which was the original claim but subsequently abandoned by Trump?

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All of the above. It’s amazing the mental gymnastics these people will go through.

The quote:

They probably believe Trump when he says he could declassify anything just by thinking about it.

Also as supreme leader he had the right to take anything from the White House that he wanted to for his own personal use.

A government of, by and for the family

yes, but a third of Independents?

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It’s amazing what 1/3rd of the US population has gone through. Of course these are the same folks that believe the election was somehow stolen, and that Trump is president, so I suppose they could justify the stolen documents that way. Or they could say the FBI planted it. Or that the MSM is all fake.

Though I don’t know if they need an explanation for anything they believe. They may simply believe.

As you said. It’s a mixture of “FBI hoax/planted evidence” and “Anything Trump decided shouldn’t be classified is not classified.”

Standard Fox/OANN/Newsmax/Brietbart lies.

Of course they always couch it in weasel language. “I think that”, “It’s possible that”, “Many people say”, “According to Trump’s lawyers”, “I’m just asking questions”. Otherwise they’d be risking slander/libel.

Although in reality, that’s not how any of it works. I was pleasantly surprised that the hand-picked Special Master excoriated the Trump lawyers and denied their requests.