Fall 2022 Exam 8 Thread

Same I just finished the 1st pass yesterday.
Going to do a 2nd run-through + problems
motivation: no more studying during summer :slight_smile:

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I had so little motivation but now seeing you guys have finished 1st pass already, I have some now

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I’m going to tackle problems until October. I’ve reviewed the material enough at this point but still finding small gaps in my knowledge.

How did you like battleacts so far?

I found the learning curve to be rather steep. It took a lot of clicks/navigation around to understand where things are, definitely less user friendly than TIA. But once I got used to it, I’m pleasantly surprised by the depth and customizablility of their content. A very poor analogy but it’s like using android, vs apple in the early days.

I actually didn’t get it, and opted for CC and RF.
I went through the RF Cookbook a couple of times, but didn’t use CC much.
How’s your preparation going?

My plan until mid-October is to hammer out more questions. Hoping to have last week for practice exams. You guys gonna attempt TIA exams?

Gone through the materials once and retained nothing. 30 hours well wasted. I’ll be memorizing concepts points this week and start churning problems next week. Hoping to leave 3 weeks for practice exams

Yeah I totally get it. Despite all the studying I did (including for last sitting), I’m still not fully grasping everything. Good thing we still have about 2 months

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I studied halfway through last year but ended up not taking it. For those who took it before, what do you think makes it the hardest upper exam? I find the material much easier than 7.

I honestly don’t know. All 3 times I took it I really thought I had a 50% chance of passing as I walked out the exam location. Nope didn’t pass in the end. It’s very frustrating.

The reinsurance portion seems simple to learn, but the questions are generally very complicated and difficult conceptually. Also, I found the Table M/Limited Table M concepts to be very difficult to understand at a deeper level (e.g. how they relate to aggregate deductibles and Limits).

The material seems easy on the surface and no one would debate that it feels short, but when you get to the questions (really the recent ones - 2019 and the unreleased exam questions from CBT) you’ll learn quickly how little you know.
I feel like CAS enjoys getting super creative with the questions they make for this exam.

I thought I had a great shot of passing last year, which was my first attempt, but I ended up failing pretty badly lol.

There’s a reason why consistently the passing rate for this exam has been in the low 30%'s.

2 months countdown

This is real life right now.

You realize the formulas are all completely useless presented in the manuals of this section.

Another thing was in the past exam writers used the terms “limit” “deductible” “retention” quite liberally, and sometimes interchangeably. Which is confusing as heck

Bahnemann seems to be a difficult one for me.

Yeah that’s a tricky section

eh? Don’t catch your exact meaning here.

so far I found Bahnamann and the Aggregate XS loss (table M/L) are the two hardest sections.