Facebook observations

ah, yeah, i thought it had something to do with the kanye west statements, but wasn’t sure.

he’s a shit human being. it’s a shame that he was listened to at all.

Looks like pretty extreme virtue signaling to me :laughing:

It’s a bit like changing your picture to have the flag of a country.

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Wait! What? I have no virtue. My signals are insignificant.

there was some other stuff in LA where some antisemetic folks were hanging signs over the freeway and nazi saluting the cars?

Oh geez. :cry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

yeah, saw that too, but didn’t know it was LA.

My wife’s sister in law (her brothers wife) sent her a Mary K pm last night via facebook.

My wife must have liked some comment about how she was getting back into mary K (yes, BACK into it…) and now wife is getting long sob story PMs that are lame sales pitches.

I said she needs to stop being nice about this crap before it gets out of hand. Wife refuses and just keeps saying positive things back. I text her brother and called it out. I pretty much said I dont care what MLM she is in, but Ill be pissed if she starts trying to use our family as sales leads.

my sister’s college friend who has been on fb for years recently sent a friend request to my mother and me. she doesn’t outright say she is selling something but has constant posts about her “weight loss journey”. so, is her angle that she doesn’t give exact specifications and instead waits for people to ask and then she pm’s them with a sales pitch?

i guess mlm 101 is to friend everyone you have ever met.

and why does she just assume i got fat and now want her to be my diet coach? she’s always been fat.

Most women our age have gained substantial weight since high school. If you haven’t then you are very much an outlier. She doesn’t know which classmates are the outliers and which are in the far more common boat of being heavier than they want to be, so her strategy is to market to everyone, assuming that 90% probably do want to lose weight.

If you want to take the passive-aggressive approach, ask her if she has tips on how to gain weight and keep it on because that is the issue you are struggling with. Not what I would do, but funny to think about.

seems puzzling

Well i didnt and kind of annoying that its just assumed i did. Maybe i will when im post menopausal when fatness seems to sweep up those it missed before, but not there yet.

12 years ago i was about 30 pounds heavier than i am now though and was headed to real fatness, but i lost it without the help of a stupid mlm.

Whats also annoying about her posts is acting as though your life will be perfection if you are thin and she is the expert at getting you there. Thats the furthest thing from the truth. Being thin is not the key to happiness.

Facebook is stupid.not only don’t I like the general gossipy nature of postings, their advertising is absurd.

My marketing mentor took 25 valid startup businesses through a Facebook advertising campaign. 18 of them got banned. 18, valid businesses led by an expert on Facebook advertising.

Yes, I’m currently going through this nonsense myself.

Wow, that’s crazy. What reason(s) were given for the bans, if any.

‘does not meet advertising guidelines’. Yes, that vague. You’d like to ask specifically what guidelines, but they leave that as an exercise for the student.

I went through something similar with Google, but at least with Google you can chat with someone.
Google: you’re not authorized, paperwork doesn’t meet requirements’
Me: what requirements?
Google rep: I don’t know, there’s no notes. I’ll escalate.
Google: sends me instructions to upload vague documents.
Me: I followed instructions steps 1 2 and three. Step four doesn’t exist in the page, I can’t click what you tell me to click.
Google: sends me a new link asking for my driver’s license (this is for corp. Advertising, but ok).
Me: uploads driver’s license.
Google: can’t read the scan.
Me: uploads new scan.
Google;: it’s in black and white.
Me: FFS, pulls colour scanner off the shelf and scans to colour.
Google: welcome to Google! Will you fill out a customer satisfaction survey?

And if course every step from Google takes three days, so this was a multiweek process just to give them my driver’s license.


A lot of her posts are like this. I fee like accusing her of fabricating these so called friends

I have three emails from facebook in my inbox right now.

  1. your ads are banned, no explanation.
  2. your account is restricted, can’t create new ads or run existing ads.
  3. Hi! I"m Thomas! your facebook account executive! Can I help you optimize your ad experience on facebook?

I’m not even kidding.

A friend I know legit lost a bunch of weight (guessing in the 80-100 lb range) and I got a message from her weight loss coach saying doesn’t she look great and what do I want to say to encourage [friend]?

I didn’t respond as I assumed the person who would be most encouraged would be the weight loss coach who would be encouraged to market her services to me.

I have acknowledged my friend’s weight loss and told her she looks great. I don’t need this coach as a go-between.

What is it you’d say you do here?

I would respond “yes” to Thomas, and respond with my problems.

Facebook Mom Groups Really Do Stress Women Out

A new study links the time moms spend on parenting forums to the level of their stress-induced cortisol.

here's another link to the story but I don't want it to stress you out
