Dreams You Remember

Okay, here was a weird one.

Was watching something like a company softball game, the jocks vs. the loserish ones. The loserish ones were somehow surprising the jocks by winning, so the jocks decide to take their ball and go home. All of a sudden I’m talking about the game with a girl I went to high school with. [Note, I haven’t talked to this person in >20 years.] We chat a little bit, then start getting frisky. We’re naked, and then I’m trying to stop and say that I don’t go all the way on the first meeting. She’s goading me into continuing by promising that we definitely will see each other again, and just as we’re about to get down to it I’m awake and alone in my bed again.

That’s a much nicer dream than mine which featured my old boss yelling at me for being stupid because I was behind on work because my boss had withheld a bunch of needed information.

I had a dream last night that I found one of my dog’s paws lying on the driveway and when I call the dog I see one of her front legs ends just before her foot.

Do you have an autonomous lawn mower that got the doggo?

I was driving some vehicle, possibly a minivan, but also possibly my wife’s “suv”. (I put that in quotes because her “suv” is the same size as my Prius.) All of a sudden, visibility goes to zero (as in, I can’t see one inch past the window or windshield) from what was probably fog (sorry, I can’t remember - my memory’s a little foggy), so I magically pull over & then this “fog” dissipates and I see that the driver-side of the vehicle is mere inches away from a brick wall. Likewise, the front of the vehicle is but a few feet away from another obstacle (I think it was a brick wall as well). To the right of me, I think that was a convenience store like you would see at a gas station. There was at least one person walking around and maybe another car between me & the convenience store. I don’t think they yelled at me for being such a poor driver, but maybe they did.

When I woke up I said to myself, “WTF? Thunder? Well, at least we’re getting rain.” so the thunderstorm that past through was obviously during REM time, but I didn’t stand in the place that I was - I continued my reclining position in bed.

I had a dream that I was in a parents-newborn class and I realized CS and his wife and baby was a couple of seats away from us, and I wanted to talk to him but I was worried he’d figure out who I was.

Weird one last night - I had dried up boils on my body. I even peeled the boil-y skin from my face. It was difficult to peel skin off my face due to my beard. Eewe!

I bet there were a lot of interesting questions in that class.

I dreamed I was at a large award ceremony / benefit concert and I was hosting this along with May, Clarkson, and Hammond from Top Gear fame. First there was a giant race whereby numerous teams lined up. Each team had a series of buttoned-up shirts to get from the back to the front but before you passed the shirt on you had to pull the hanger out of the shirt and then put it back in, then pass the shirt on. My dad was next to me in my team and we didn’t cooperate too well, and as a result a short time later I found out he had given up and was watering a nearby lawn with a hose instead. Later we were trying to find some very nice white shirts, and later that night I was pretty sure I was going to win an award for best supporting actor.

I had a dream with my mom in it last night. Even dream me knew she was dead (dream within a dream?), but it was nice to hear her voice.


I used to keep a dream journal. I’m gonna try to find it and post what I wrote

These are from about 6 years ago. I would wake up and immediately write what I had dreamed to best remember it. That means mostly writing things down at all hours of the night/morning usually in complete darkness. The following entries are verbatim:

“Was Happy Potter type character. Learning how to fly with little stars. Tried to teach my friend how in a big strip mall. Class bully arrested by his own dad for shop lifting.”

“Howard only gave up 3 goals all season for Barcelona in MLS. Donovan keeps scoring, gets called up to USMNT again.”

“Ate meatloaf while on a bumper boat circle raft. The town had waterways instead of roads, some friends and others were planning on a ride”

“At work. Not dressed nice. Person to inspect office comes, so I hide in cabinet. But Kevin says she’s coming. She opens the cabinet and was like ‘Hey what are you doing there’. And I say to tell you about the drawers in the office. They are all 36” by 24" by 16". She is impressed."

“Went downstairs into kitchen, counters were white, something was wrong. I had to get out of there fast. I was wondering if I was dreaming but it felt so real. Trying to run upstairs but half paralyzed. Scary. Woke up.”

I dreamt that ao fan called me and I was trying to act casual while trying to figure out how she got my cell phone number. She was very cheery.

Ever since I quit a few years back, I’ve been having a recurring dream about the workplace. It’s never exactly the same, but always has a common theme. Basically I’ve accepted a new job somewhere and need to get some work done, but there’s no physical place for me anywhere in the office or I somehow don’t belong there. All the offices/cubes are occupied, or I’ve been assigned to some ridiculous workspace with equipment that makes no sense in terms of work. Last night I got assigned to a cube that was basically a dumping ground completely full of stuff. After I complained, they moved be to another where the desk was completely taken up by a giant microfiche reader. They later moved me to some sort of ridiculously decorated lounge type area with no real workspace or desk.

I’ve had various iterations on this same theme. Maybe there’s some subconscious desire to be in an office, but I don’t feel like I’ve been missing that at all. I do of course miss some people.


…it gets bigger once you’re in there.

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any reason given? love to hear how that happened!

I was at the hospital, getting my MRI results reviewed. I had forgotten to bring the MRI results, however, so the doctor was giving me a physical.

She listened to my breathing, then listened to my heart, and told me I had a condition where I would first need surgery on all my arms and legs, then physical therapy for the rest of my life, which by the way would only be at most ten more years because of this condition, which sounded French.

I was distraught and crying. She was excited to have identified a case like this, so she called in her coworkers to share the good news. I went home and cried to my husband, who didn’t seem fazed.

The rest of my dream was spent googling this condition. Britney Spears also has it.

Then I woke up. It was one of those dreams that really affected me, will probably take most of the day to shake.


Ugh, that’s awful!

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I am often told in the morning that was an a-hole (or otherwise disappointing) in a dream. like almost with actual anger/frustration and somehow I am held accountable.

curious what the google searches brought up, other than Britney.

good luck shaking the memory of it.

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The problem with GoA on DiscourseHub on the iPhone is that sometimes it doesn’t tell you what thread you’re in…so I didn’t quite know at first that this was the dreams thread and was quite concerned for NA.