Doggo thread

She’ll get the hang of it!

She’ll get it. I don’t know how people have dogs without dog doors, they make life so much easier.

In other news, this handsome gentleman got adopted yesterday!! :partying_face::heart:


My dog is limping but still tried to convince me to play before I left for work. :confused:

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@Echo : :people_hugging: :hugs: :poultry_leg:

A worker at the doggie daycare sent me this pic. I guess they figured out one of the scratching spots the pooch enjoys



We are staying in a rental house, and a pretty bad line of thunderstorms rolled through. Even with the thundershirt on the dog went into panic mode. She is trying to hide under this rocking chair thing. Before that she was in a closet


Poor thing! I know some dogs struggle with storms. I’ve never experienced that. Lucky I guess. :woman_shrugging:

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There is a cat (obviously well fed) that lives outside a public building along our walk . The dogs have seen it hiding in a certain bush multiple times. As we get close to this bush they start getting all excited.

Wife told me that the last time she took the dogs on a walk they were so focused on investigating this bush that they didn’t even realize the cat was just a few feet away in a different bush.



Found out our lab mix has no lab at all. We knew about the pit bill. The Great Pyrenees explains why she gained 20 lbs in the first year we had her—she was apparently not done growing. We all blamed hubby for over feeding her, but he has been exonerated.


My dog is roughly:
1/2 German Shepherd
1/3 Black Lab
1/6 Border Collie

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My favorite of our many dogs was our purebred Labrador ShepWeiler. :slight_smile:

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We call ours a Sheprador Collie

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Yeahhh whoever told you that was a lab mix was a damn liar!! :joy:

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Two funny and one not funny update on this little guy. Apologies if I’ve already shared some of this. I don’t see it in this thread. But I may have.

He’s my favorite foster so far. Idk why, just something about him. I could tell right away he was super smart. House trained himself in 3 days at 10 weeks old. (Hilarious: he was playing with my dog. Suddenly stopped with the “omg I have to pee” look. Ran over to the dog door. Stuck just enough of himself out the door to wee onto the deck and then went right back to playing :joy: outside is outside! :joy:)

Anyway, a month or so after my neighbor adopted him, she texted me:
An update for you: He is teething and loves to chew sticks and mulch in the backyard. When he finds a good one, he brings it to the back door to carry inside. I throw these back in the yard or place them on our white deck table. Two days ago, he realized he could reach the table top with his front paws and saw a piece of mulch there he wanted. When he couldn’t reach it, he ran down the deck stairs, got a long stick from the yard, brought it in his mouth to the deck, put his front paws on the table top, and used the stick to sweep the mulch off the table onto the deck floor. He then dropped the stick and took the mulch into the yard to chew it while lying in the sun. I had never seen a dog use a tool like that before!


Yesterday I got to visit with him and she said she’d been working in the yard and had a tarp of debris she needed to drag away. Pup thought it was play time, grabbed an end and started tugging. She said “leave it” and he obediently dropped it. Then she said (jokingly) “you can help me carry it if you want!” And the dog immediately picks up the same end and carries it with her across the yard.

:flushed::flushed::flushed: he’s so smart!!

Then the not fun update: he’s been diagnosed with a leaky mitral valve :pleading_face::broken_heart:
He’s on medication but prognosis is 1-2 years :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: now I know why he wasn’t meant to be mine :pleading_face: I’d be a wreck :broken_heart:


My daughter’s sis in law. She told them the results and they were just as surprised as we were.


Really? Y’all thought that was a lab?
I’m not trying to be snarky, I promise, but the pic above howls pittie mutt.

I’ve seen so many dogs over the past year with fostering … maybe I’m starting to pick it up quicker … or maybe I’m developing selection bias :joy::joy::joy:

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