Do you (still) dress up for Halloween?

I was only asked for ideas. That type of research costs extra.

Nobody was willing to be in my Halloween band - KISS. I am going to be Paul Stanley. I’ll post a pix on Friday

Probably won’t dress up but I hand out candy to the kids and shots of sambucca or Bailey’s to the adults.

I have a neighbor who does something similar to this… I don’t even really drink shots but they’re my best neighbor

My wife always ropes me into some relatively low effort costume to be part of the family theme. This year we’re all different characters from the show Bluey

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Can’t post the picture because my daughter and sil don’t want/allow pictures of their kids (daughter at this point but son soon) to be posted on the internet, but they were Princess Buttercup (Daughter), Westley/Dred Pirate Roberts (SIL) and an R.O.U.S (granddaughter). It was cute.

YES! Yes I do


If it’s cold enough I might hand out candy in my Mrs Claus outfit.

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I have a sweatshirt that has a big blood stain/splatter on it and the words “I’m Fine”

I wear that while I hand out candy.

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Thinking about going as myself, then saying “I’m a Genius Bar.”

So, the Burgermeister Meisterburger then.


Very nice.
Still, heart for your love, JFG!

Halloween in Phoenix is awesome. It’s so pleasant out that everyone just hangs out outside all evening.

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One of my students has a stagecraft class right before mine, and I guess they’ve been working on gory makeup, so she’s been coming to class with bleeding wounds on her face all week.