Do you (still) dress up for Halloween?

Sometimes I do. I have a grinch costume I wear some years.
I wore it to actsci class once when I had classes on Halloween. Got a thumbs up from a prof on campus.
Me going to class:

Me in the Santa Claus parade:


I gotta say I’m a little freaked out by how little you guys like dressing up.

Halloween is the best Holiday, entirely because of costumes.

This year, my kid said she wanted to be a druid, which in dungeons and dragons terms, is a sort of nature witch. I don’t know the details, but I expect my wife to go pretty hard core with antlers, staff, and some sort of feather robe.

In keeping with the theme, my wife is going to wear a medieval looking wool robe and an exquisite fox-mask that I gave her a couple years ago, and I’m just going to wear a jacket and carry a bow and arrows, and maybe a foam sword, not sure?

it’s just way too much work.

and trick or treat is for kids. adults party.

having to take off the costume and makeup after a night of partying is a no for me.

This seems like a weak-sauce coming from someone who works much harder than me to look good.

I’m not crafty :frowning:

True, but you’re rich. Go to etsy. Have the peons do the crafting.

Never tried etsy. Seems sketch. Is it like

oh wow. interesting.

I’m going to a party that’s alien themed. This could come in handy. Shirtless with a mask.

Yeah, it is. Where you live, probably not. Where we live is a family 'hood, so lots of young kids. Halloween is where the neighbours bring their kids over and we gush about how cute they are.
This year there’s been a lot of new kids, moved in and/or born. should be a packed event.

When I lived in a house about 20 min away from downtown here, I prepared some candies. And two kids came over.

Granted, our house was pretty hidden from the main road.

Missing: Dude at Insurrection.

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well, I jinxed myself, I guess.

A couple weeks ago, quite sarcastically, I said to my wife: “what are we dressing up as for Halloween this year?” She was like “yeah, whatever.”

But we were at the brewery this past weekend and the owner told us that the annual costume contest is this Friday. So, on Monday, my wife shows me a picture of the painting “American Gothic.”

So it’s off to the thrift stores to find BG overalls so we can recreate it. Even bought a big picture frame and everything.

Guess I’m dressing up for the first time since like 1998…

Going to also get the pitchfork?

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And party like it’s 1929…

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It isn’t going to be a 100% faithful reenactment. I may use a broom or a mop in its place.

And, cue the look on your wife’s face.

It was her idea.

Um, please refer to “American Gothic” to understand my comment.

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