Do you own a dvd player?

I don’t get all the DVD hate. How am I supposed to watch “Escape from New York” when it is only on a streaming service I don’t subscribe to and could leave that service at any time? I guess I could “rent” it from Amazon or something every time I want to watch it but that would get expensive.


I have the original Star Wars trilogy on VHS. It’s never been put onto DVD, I believe. Only the remastered versions have ever been put onto DVD.

Han. Shot. First.


You are correct sir. However, if you want to get as close as possible to the original theatrical release, you need a copy of the laser disc versions. I have bootleg copies on DVD that I was given as a gift.

It was at one point… you could buy both the 90s remastered versions and the original 1977/1980/1983 theatrical releases in one package (6 discs: two per movie). I bought the box set at Costco.

BUT… the picture quality is not great if you are watching on a large TV.

At one point my ex had the Laser Discs of the original movies converted to DVD and those were great. But I left my copies in a sunny room in the jewel cases with no protective anything after we got divorced and it destroyed them.

Worst part of the whole divorce.

I found this same gem at a yard sale for 50 cents. I was so excited to find an original star wars without the enhancements! I have this tape and an old VHS player to play it.

Other funny story for this thread: apparently if you signed up for Netflix (the orginal dvd shipped to your house) way back in the day and never canceled- you could still get dvds sent to you. I know 1 guy that still gets like 2 dvds every months from them.

Damn straight.

You can still sign up for this:

is OSMC similar to PLEX, but for linux?

Think I just found this year’s xmas gag-gift…

This is surreal. The target segment must be people with mobile internet only (so they can order it) who want movies on their television.

Hmmmm, yeah. People with caps on their mobile data would be a market. And people who live in rural areas where internet is too slow to stream. There are also movies on DVD that are not on streaming, so it’s a nice service if you really want to be able to see almost any movie.

But I’m guessing the number of users of this pales in comparison to how many users the streaming service has.

I think I have that boxed set of laser discs. But, my laser disc player (even older) played it only in Spanish. That, and “The Aristocats.”

Worth about $200 (though someone is tryng to sell it for $800) on eBay.

IIRC OSMC is an operating system for Pi, with media software loaded. So probably similiar to plex. at least in function.

I think I still have a pi or two lying around, I should do something with them.

LOL I heard all about this a few years ago when I watched that trilogy for the first time. Mr aj would point out the things that were different. We didn’t have the foresight to have kept the VHS tapes.

Yeah, kind of. Well, not linux in general, but Raspberry Pi’s and AppleTV and their own hardware, I think. And I used “OSMC” loosely and technically that’s an OS (based on Debian) for running Kodi (which used to be XBMC), which is the media center itself that it runs. It comes packaged together.

On a related note, my wife really wants me to build something like this. I’m fine with the woodworking part, but the technology part intimidates me.

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Nothing I own even has a dvd or bluray insert.

I don’t even really know if my Audi has one. Maybe it’s hidden somewhere.

But no, everything is streamed or downloaded. Movies, music, or games.

Wut,that’s cool. I might have to make one of those for my so. I think they’d like that.
Right often I’m done building the walnut live edge coffee and end tables they want.

Yeah, it is cool. For those interested, here are other related links I’ve found. If you do end up building something, let me know so I can copy you!

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VUDU (i believe) lets u convert your blurays and dvds for just $2 each. All u have to do is scan the bar code with their app. It also uses your location so u can’t go into a walmart and start scanning the dvds u haven’t bought. I converted some of my favorites and now i can stream them wherever whenever