DNGAF Friday

Failing someone on the last day is mean.

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I canā€™t grade what I donā€™t have. :man_shrugging: I could make a single assignment that says to pass the quarter, ā€œwrite the number ā€˜6ā€™ hereā€ and kids will still not do it. I actually worked with guidance to drag our last couple of potential this-year grads across the finish line kicking and screaming today.

Last week a colleague at another location begged me to help one of his kiddos get to the finish line. It was just a couple days before graduation. Smart kid but Spanish is his first language so there was a barrier there. I looked at the quarter and gave him all of the most visual assignments as a path to passing.

He did it, and he walked. :mortar_board: :confetti_ball: I have some experience working with ELL students, so I have a sense of some of the kinds of things they need to be successful in a math class.


I should have used red font. I know very few teachers actually take pleasure in failing students, and you have been working to prevent that all along. Enjoy your summer!

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Most people seem to be offline. I found a shady spot on the patio to read a book, which technically Iā€™m reading for work but itā€™s really interesting. Seems productive enough for today.


Boss on vacay, WFH, projects caught up. First day of all my kids summer, none working, so a leisurely family lunch at a local Cajun place. 82Ā°F and breezy. with this view. Definitely a cross post with Happy Thoughts.


Insomnia plus having to deal with people shot my morning to hell. There are Fs needed to give, but Iā€™m struggling to find them.

I also have a headache. Not sure if itā€™s lack of sleep or dehydration.

I completed one of my filings. Itā€™s early but I needed to be early bc I have a bunch more after this one. I sent it to the compliance person to send it to the state and they are out thru next Friday (the due date). This is why I shouldnā€™t be early.

I have my sbux latte and now DNGAF. Still hafta work the process doc this weekend. :frowning:



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Took yesterday off. More wine tasting today. Place on Paso called the The Tiki Room tonight. Taking Fs, which is mathematically same as giving negative Fs.

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Sitting on the sbux patio with a latte and some treats from the bakery. Cranking up the GAF-o-meter to a deuce, mebbe a treyā€¦

What are you GAFing about?

Process documentation. For the accountables and auditoriesā€¦

Now I am on the back deck at home. :sunglasses: Just killed a ******inā€™ :mosquito: !!!

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I decided to wear pants for a video meeting this morning. Next time might be different. :thinking:

ETA: I wore pants for my afternoon meeting too, but the week is youngā€¦ :slight_smile:


Continuing with the documentation. Weā€™re also having issues with balances carrying over to the next period, but someone else is working on it. About a 4 on the GAF-o-meter today.

And Iā€™m wearing shorts because itā€™s warm today. I might even go actuarialize on the deck!! :sunglasses:


Nothing really urgent on my end today. Trying to unpack an FP&A model to see if I can help unpack how we do revenue projections for a new division, itā€™s a real ratā€™s nest of a model. Gonna hit the DMV after lunch to get tags for my new car - usually that only takes like 30 minutes here, not a big deal. And the first Friday of every month is ā€˜meeting light Friday,ā€™ so just one meeting today!

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Didnā€™t get to start on month-end things yesterday like I hoped, so doing that today insteadā€¦
ā€¦and whatever other crap comes up. Sadly many Fs Gā€™d today I think.

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Oh dang, a new CMS document just dropped talking about the specifics of the MSSP trend for 2024, Iā€™m gonna GAF and read up on that today. 17 pages, I think Iā€™ll survive.