DNGAF Friday

You earned it. Meantime, no rest for the weary. F’s must be given, but names will be taken.

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It’s a :mtdew:-DNGAF Friday for me.
Just working on miscellaneous projects with squishy deadlines and, kidneys be damned, my diet can start tomorrow.

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No meeting day!!!

Listening to some jams and G’ing some F’s I deprioritized over the last couple of weeks. Should be caught up around 1 and then I will G no more F’s on this Friday.


Need to put in a few hours this aft and a few this weekend. Me sad. :frowning:

Q1/2023 is approaching… :cry:


You accountants are all busy right? It’s tax season! /red

Dammit, Dan!! I ain’t doin’ nobody’s fluffin’ taxes!!!


@Echo : Daddy gonna have lotsa time for tro bol and skritchy skratchies!!! :smiley: :socks: :softball:


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Is it at 4pm?

I’m thinking I might go make my first Irish Car Bomb Dublin Drop of the day. Although I need to keep it in check. Today may be St. Patty’s but the real celebrating around here starts bright and early tomorrow morning as we get ready for the parade. Roads start closing around 7:30 and the ones I need will be closed by 8:30. Will probably start with a splash of homemade Irish Cream in my coffee when we head out.

I have been getting a lot of sponsored ads on FB for careers in auditing & assurance and tax!!! :tfh: :scream:

Is it just me or is it getting tougher to breathe and you feel the walls closing in ???

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Put in a couple of hours this aft for the reserve movements on major lines. It’s hanging together nicely. Next job is all the piddly :poop: liabilities and items that have to be added manually. :roll_eyes: :unamused: :man_facepalming: :weary:

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:poop: liabilities sound bad

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Moving on the piddly :poop: liabilities and miscellaneous manual stuff. Hopefully, it will go mercifully quick. :crossed_fingers:

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Update: most of the piddly :poop: liabilities and manual stuff have been accounted for. Just need to chase down the remainder, but first Daddy gonna get hizzelf something to eat.

Some very kind men with pocket protectors will be here shortly to pick you up. There’s nothing to be afraid of.


And I want that special hot choklit that makes me all warm and sleepy too.

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I couldn’t run the last, stoopid, manual stoopid liabilities because I don’t have access to the stoopid required data. :roll_eyes: :unamused:

In the meantime, I documented the other (n-1) things I did. It’s late and I’m fluffin’ tired. :tired_face:

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Ugh… office drama.

These two ladies don’t like those two ladies and those two ladies don’t like these two ladies… and everyone is whispering behind everyone’s backs… make it all stop!!! Can’t we just freaking do our work as best we can? Why does this have to be like junior high all over again?

Meanwhile I’m trying to just get along with everyone and not take sides…


I got access to the stoopid data to run the stoopid process to get the stoopid liability numbers. I need to sit down and review the whole stoopid process because I have to GAFluff for stoopid Q1/2023!!! :dizzy_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :exploding_head: :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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