DNGAF Friday

But if you have an insignificant signal to share, be a dear and do so!!! :heart_eyes: :popcorn:

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Haha, I spent the portion of the afternoon that I was working on the phone with a client of my client… who is the most gigantic flirt in the universe. He’s married and he flirts with all the women in the office though, so it’s definitely insignificant. I don’t know how his wife can tolerate it though.

When he calls the receptionist says “twig your boyfriend’s on the phone” and I immediately know who she’s talking about. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

He’s fine, really, nothing that ventures into the harassment zone. Just a shameless flirt.

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Deep into DNGAFing. I didn’t even know it’s Friday.


Putting stickers in my calendar…

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You missed an “h” there.

Last F of the year, given. Happy New Year, y’all. :boom: :clinking_glasses: :tada: :fireworks: :sparkler:


Wash??? Phretty??? :man_shrugging: :wink:


@Echo: :toilet: :toilet: :toilet:!!! :+1:

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Maybe even forget to close the lid.:dog:

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Got some light actuarializing to do until 4:00ish, then not gonna GAF!!!

Reviewing some spreadsheets, not long until I can turn the brain off.

But it’s casual Friday!

I am in sweats and I got my slippers on with a nice, warm blankie!!! Doesn’t get much more casual than that!!!

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Monday’s a company holiday but valuation doesn’t care

Reason 67 on why I’m glad I work in pricing


Trying to get some things done and my laptop won’t show me any files in Explorer. It just spins.

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Typical Friday. Staff off, so I get lots done, and of course nothing gets done.

Got up at 530 and did some studying. Cracked the last 4 assignment questions I was struggling with for school l by 730, awesome. Then I played dad most of the day. One of the students that hunts with me wanted me to show them how to run their woodstove for their winter camping tent. Then they want to buy a car so we had to spend some time researching and talki.g about oil changes.
It’s 4 and I’m just sitting down to work.