DNGAF Friday

Trying to get some liability stuff together for the accounting folks. Once done, my DNGAFness will kick in.

I think I’ve made my last corny joke that a short week is just fitting 5 days into 4 and ready to NGAF…

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Unfortunately lots to GAF about and still working but don’t regret taking a nap this afternoon.


Well, I figured out a really hard, sort of ‘zen philosophy’ question that’s been bugging me for over a week. Related to financial outcomes for healthcare interventions, which I’ve been doing for well over a decade, but this one was a real head scratcher.

AND I saw some estimates from Finance that I could not make work in my brain. So I grabbed my manager of revenue recognition, she’s a really sharp accountant, and we went through it. And we figured out how they arrived at their figures. And I think they missed some valuable context that would have changed their estimate, but whatever, they’ve printed the number already. Fingers crossed I’m right and I can rub it in their faces later. Yes, I’m being petty. DNGAF.

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I have some work to do, but not too strenuous. Gonna GAF until around 4:00. Now Daddy needs to get hizzelf some coffee…

I have a lot of non-work stuff to GAF about today, unfortunately.

Exhibit 5 is off by 50k out of 500M. On this DNGAF Friday, im thinking rounding error.

For the DNGAF desires what is contrary to the Inbox, and the Inbox what is contrary to the DNGAF. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.


I feel ya.

I’m not feeling well and full of DNGAF. Unfortunately that doesn’t match with today’s tasks. Gotta scrape up some Fs.

Slacking today, big time. Catching up on Genshin Impact every hour or so for about 15 mins.

Trying to track down some missing claims movements. Urge to actuarialize fading,…


Right hand water loss, left foot slip and fall

OK, I have my left foot in my right hand. Let me go into the bathroom and slip in the shower for that sweet, sweet claims muneez. My homeowners’ policy will cover that, riiiiiiiiiiight???

If you’re on the clock maybe it’s WC!?

Mebbe physically. mentally might be a different story…

It may vary by state, but I was told it was not WC if “it could happen anywhere”.

Haven’t got a bill from the WC dr yet tho so did the company pay it?

RN, I think?

Urge To Kill Rising Simpsons GIFs | Tenor

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fading, fading… RISING!!!.. fading, fading, gone.


Huh, I was rear-ended driving to an offsite meeting. Not the employer’s fault in the slightest (the driver who hit me was not an employee of my employer), but WC paid for my chiropractor visits. Would have reimbursed my time off work too, but since the time off was really only for the chiropractor and the amount that I was late for the offsite given the accident, work told me to just not record any time off.