DNGAF Friday

Congratulations on getting your movements under control.

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It was all backed up for a while, but I’m sittin’ pretty now!!!

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Well it was on my Starbucks app and paid off a reloadable gift card.


And you didn’t get any insignificant signals either. That’s probably worth a couple of G’s for emotional damages…


Significant signals are even better than coffee at Starbucks. That’s what truly makes the world go round. Pay them what they’re worth Starbucks!!!


In-laws are in town; gotta prep the pool, pipes, etc. for the coming apocalypse; and I’m working from home today. I’m not sure how much work is actually going to get done.

DNGAF Thursday IMO

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Prep the pool? Like shovel it off so you can skate on it?

Maybe you live closer to the equator than I do.


Happy DNGAF!!!

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Kinda feels like a Saturday since my client declared a holiday and specifically told me to not work today.

And also with you.

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Working on some last minute stuff with the accounting folks. I just wanna NGAF, but can’t just yet.

It’s only Tuesday and I am already there. This is gonna be the longest 3.5 day week…


Made it to Friday and actually got a few things done. Gonna be a long day tho.


My entire team is out, and we get an early release. I wish I didn’t have anything to get done today, but sadly that is not the case. It’s going to be struggleville today.


Just got some end of month admin to do, then some CPD. Le sigh…

ETA: Just woke up from a short nap.

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Client sent me home early today essentially saying “enjoy the afternoon off and then buckle up because it’s about to get crazy”. Slight paraphrase.


Uh oh: sounds like somebody has a case of the yearends!!! :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


Yep… my PPD stat is about to start falling precipitously. No more arguing how Japanese law affects Roman Catholic theology for me!