DGAF Friday

that sounds like dec 31’s problem.


This is the thread where I GAF right? I would try to not GAF but it’s like all hands on deck for needing Tiffany today.

I’m out on the deck right now trying to actuarialize. :crazy_face:

something doesn’t add up here. How do you get 5 credits in one hour?

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Waist deep in wedding prep. I guess I’ll need to out on some makeup for the rehearsal soon. Mr aj suggested that. Also he blew up at me earlier. He says I did first. Whatev. I think he is kinda sad.

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fading fast here… Starting to think about a pretty full of fun weekend… not sure how much longer I can scrub this Rx data…

PowerPoint slides for m a 3 hour presentation. Read in 45 minutes. 10 question MC quiz on basic material.
Helps that I’m an extremely fast reader.

Same. Been working with an attorney on agreement all day.

Can we take out the word ‘shall,’ and replace it with ‘may?’

Is it clear which clause this phrase is referencing? Seems like it’s ambiguous.

Is that term defined in the master agreement? Should we define a new term here, or just speak to it?

Can your lawyer help my lawyer proofread her damn work so she doesn’t mix up who the Defendant is and who the Plaintiff is 3 god damn times? Thanks in advance.


It took me approximately 1 hour to iswydt

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I am dying for a good steakhouse right now.

We are heading for Tallinn in Estonia in late December and am booking a a spot for a family dinner there.

Don’t care how much it costs as long as the quality is excellent. They steakhouses in London are just not great. High prices but average quality. Not a big fan for a family outing as the little one complains.

Note: this post is about steakhouses. Weirdly, few people talk about them.

Hmm, wondering WTF this is. I mean, you cook a stake, but it’s still going to have that woody, ashy flavor.

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I mean, we should check to see if our spelling differs from the English.

Maybe he’s thinking of those Brazilian places with the giant piece of meat on a stake?

I mean, I’ve never even heard of a stakehouse, but offhand I would guess that Transylvania would be the best place to go for that. :woman_shrugging:

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At the stakehouse, we believe in a well-done steak and a well-staked vampire.


At least he put this in the DGAF Friday thread since he cares about this issue.


Yep. Dreadful grammar.

Well, mine doesn’t.