Democrats Say the Darndest Things!

What an idiot.


Innumeracy here. The profanity count doesn’t seem to match what was posted here (that is there was “profanity”, not “profanities”).

I think the idea is that “fucking” and “dipshit” are profanities, though I could also see the argument that dipshit is really a slur and so the proper description should be a profanity and slurs.

My degree is in mathematics, though. Maybe we should post this in the thread for grammar experts for an official ruling.



Karine Jean-Pierre on the Dobbs decision:

From day one when the Supreme Court made this extreme decision to take away a constitutional right, it was an unconstitutional action by them…

Bonus Ann Coulter commenting on it as only Ann Coulter can.

They both sound like idiots.

Is Jean-Pierre a US citizen? (Do you have to be to get that job?) If she is, that makes Coulter’s statement exceptionally dumb. But it’s pretty darn dumb regardless, seeing as how she moved to the US when she was 5 years old.

Which island was Alexander Hamilton from again?

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According to this she is

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I don’t think Coulter is a Democrat and she’s the only one who said something stupid in your post. The Theocratic Court attacked multiple rights in the last session of rulings striping away and or rolling back numerous settled constitutional rights and overturning precedent in the process, often using spun whole cloth to do so.


Is that strictly relevant to being labeled a foreigner?


Residence helps too.


“Person from another country” is an accepted definition of the word “foreigner” in the English language and citizenship is not relevant to be labeled one in that sense. I rate your post as: false. This forum seems to have a peculiar lack of understanding of the English language. Coulter likes to stir the pot but she’s not wrong here.

If a person is a US citizen and has resided in the United States for the last 42 years, I don’t consider them a foreigner but YMMV.

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It is “an” accepted definition, but not the best for this context.

The first one here is better:

Eh, for better or worse their job is interpreting what the constitution means. You may think they made a mistake, but it’s hardly unconstitutional for them to do so.

And there is no requirement the precedent be followed. If there was, Plessy would be the law of the land.

A couple of your links have better options too

2. One who is from outside a particular group or community; an outsider

So back on Biden and the insane rhetoric about Georgia’s election law. The rhetoric was really intense, Biden called it “Jim Crow 2.0” and “Jim Crow on steroids,” and he also made some strange kind of Big Lie references:

The goal of the former president and his allies is to disenfranchise anyone who votes against them. Simple as that. The facts won’t matter. Your vote won’t matter. They’ll just decide what they want, and then do it. That’s the kind of power you see in totalitarian states. Not in democracies,

Hyperbole aside, posters here and others had concerns about cutting back early voting hours and the general concerns about voter suppression. But Georgia had a primary this year with record early voting turnout according to their SoS:

Short lines, smooth easy ballot access, and confidence in ballot security brought out more than 850,000 to cast a ballot in person or return an absentee ballot. Compared early-voting turnout in recent primaries, this represented a 168 percent increase over the 2018, the last gubernatorial primary and a 212 percent jump above 2020, the last presidential primary year.

“The record early voting turnout is a testament to the security of the voting system and the hard work of our county election officials,” said Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger. “The incredible turnout we have seen demonstrates once and for all that Georgia’s Election Integrity Act struck a good balance between the guardrails of access and security.”

Now I’m not saying this conclusively proves the concerns to be unfounded, but it certainly doesn’t look like Jim Crow on steroids like Biden says. Maybe evaluation of the law in a hypothetical sense was a little inaccurate to the reality?

Is this thread becoming meta?

The constitution can mean whatever you want it to mean. This guy has a political agenda.


As long as you can convince at least four specific other people to agree with you.

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Are you alleging something amiss with the court’s opinion in Dobbs? Or just in Thomas’ concurrence?