Democrats Say the Darndest Things!

I thought her response was outstanding, especially since it calls out the hypocrisy of people who claim to be God-fearing Christians who won’t hesitate to demonize others for … anything.

She nailed it, for sure. Which is why it deserves an entry in this thread. That type of fighting back does not usually come from a Democrat.

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It’s frustrating how true this is. Hope we see more of this from other democrats.



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Don’t know if she’s really a Democrat anymore. She now seems to be more of a QAnon acolyte.

I didn’t know this thread existed. But before it did I posted this, which sparked a whole discussion.

I’ll link it for “completeness” or something.

Not sure if RFK Jr. still identifies as a Democrat but he has some disturbing ideas; like his grandpa Joe that way.

The anti vax crowd seems aligned to trumpism regardless of where they were in 2015. That feels a bit unfair to call them Republicans but I’m not sure how else to deal with that realignment

I’ll revive this thread because I won’t ascribe to a double standard.

The recent allegations of Lauren Boebert having been a sex worker, having multiple abortions, and selling/using meth seem to be unfounded. Not definitively, but likely. The news made its way through people that I somewhat respected and I nearly fell for it.

Of course there’s a lot to criticize her over, like marrying a man who exposed his genitals to minors in public and most of the words coming out of her mouth. But claiming the above allegations on sketchy proof is analogous to calling LGBTQ people and allies “groomers”, and we should hold everybody accountable to a minimal standard.


Yup, too many people at least on Twitter ran with the story without there being much real evidence.

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Are we going with the regular-person Democrats, or should we be posting only actual politicians with jobs representing fellow Americans?
I get it if we can’t find enough that we have to dredge up outlanders’ tweets as “the darndest things.”

Also, your fault for looking at twitter.

It was upvoted enough on Reddit that it came to my attention. For a minute I could’ve believed it, it wasn’t unreasonable given who we’re discussing.

I don’t know of a politician who’s pushed that (probably) false story, but I wanted to put it here for the sake of balance. It’s no politician talking about Jewish space lasers but I will admit when the Democratic base gets it (probably) wrong.

Oh, wait!

We’re opening up the Republicans Say the Darndest Things! thread to every idiotic thing my mother-in-law has read on the internet and has said or reposted? That’s gonna be one LOOOOOOOOONG thread.


To be clearer, it seems to me this story is missing two things that everything in the Republican thread has.

  1. The posts are by some official government official, typically Senators, Reps, and Governors.

  2. The quotes don’t just involve something that isn’t true, they involve something idiotic.

I think that to avoid a double standard, we should apply the same criteria here.

To be fair, I think you need to include state legislators, Presidents, and former or candidates for any of those offices. Maybe prominent spouses & kids too. (Ivanka Trump or Don Jr on the GOP side, RFK Jr on the Dem side) Also members of the news media, particularly if their partisan lean is clear.

But yeah, not every yahoo with internet access.

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RFK Jr has been an anti-vax nutcase for many years. Don’t think it’s fair to associate his nonsense with either political party.

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No, it’s quite fair to associate RFK Jr with the Democratic Party. He was critical of W, defended Obama, worked for Ted Kennedy and also the NRDC, endorsed Gore, Kerry, HRC, and Obama, and is a Kennedy himself.

Yes, he’s a nutjob. That doesn’t make him not a Democrat. The Republicans have far more nutjobs, but the number on the Dem side is not zero, sorry.


Well looks like his nutiness made him appealing to Trump. I could also post an interview on Tucker Carlson, Not many dems on that show.

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Let’s say we dump RFK Jr in a basket with Ginnie Thomas, shake it up every once in a while, and pray they don’t procreate.

I’m for limiting entries to current elected and appointed officials or formal representatives of the two parties. (I really don’t want a long list of Dan Quail quotes)

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I’m for letting people post whatever the heck they want and then other people picking it apart if they so desire…