
Queen is correct for red

@Snake , you are up. Your team has 3 words, so guess again or pass. (potentially discussing, first – it’s more fun if you discuss, even if you are pretty certain,)

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Hmm does it necessarily have to go in player order? It’s possible one person out for a day could slow things down

Note to any hecklers – teams have a DM for discussion. Spymasters also have a DM for their discussion. I think, to be safe, it’s best to admit hecklers to exactly one DM. Since we only have one heckler, I’m not going to leave you on your own. Pick one, and I’ll add you.

I would think it’s to make sure everyone gets to play…

Naw, a player can pass their turn. But I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to be involved.

(IRL this game takes about 15 minutes, but I expect we’ll have work-related delays and it will take longer.)

I think if the designated person isn’t showing the remaining players can still speculate and discuss. That way when the person shows up they have something to go off of

That sounds like a great idea to me.

I’m really lost. lol. And I read the rules…still lost. So there’s the list of words in post 1…we don’t know which words belong to which team, but the spymasters do?
And spymasters gives a one word clue and the number of words that relate to that word, and we try to guess which words belong to our respective team.

What about the key cards as described in the rules in post 2? Something about contacting all agents as the winning condition…what’s that


Well, guess which words your spymaster is cluing, which, if your spymaster is paying attention, should be words that belong to your team, yes.

Red has 9 words and blue has 8. In the IRL game, when a word is guessed, you cover it with a card with a picture of a person on it to indicate that you have “contacted one of your agents”. But that’s just flavor text. The goal is to guess all the words of your color.

The typical win is for a team to guess all its words before the other team guesses all theirs. The other, less common, win, is that if a team guesses the “assassin word” the other team automatically wins.

what happens if we guess a wrong word? What’s the benefit of passing?

If you guess a word that belongs to the other team, they get that word “for free” and your turn ends.

If you guess a “bystander” word that doesn’t belong to either team, your turn ends, and you didn’t get a word, but no other penalties. (that card is marked as bystander, and is out of the game.)

If you think you are as likely to guess wrong as right, you may choose to pass.

thanks! okay I think I’m good.

Its hard to bring the theme to the text version of the game, but there are 9 red words, 8 blue, 7 nuetral, and 1 death word.

wait why does blue team have one fewer word? Assassin word ends the game?

The team guessing first has an advantage, so they get an extra word to even things out.

You mean choosing between the Spymaster DM vs. Red Team DM vs. Blue Team DM?

Also yes. If you guess the assassin word your team loses.

OP needs cleaning . . .

And I’m Holding Out for a Superhero Government!!

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Yes, I’ll add you to your choice of the DM for the spymasters, the red team operatives, or the blue team operatives.

Let’s make it the SpyMasters. That way, I’ll get to see “both sides” as it were.