Christmas trees 2024

Cause they are sparkly and wonderful.

I got to turn these on tonight!


Real or artificial?

  • Real
  • Artificial
  • 42 other religions or lack there of
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my tree turns 26 this week. amazing run.


We spend the T-Day weekend putting up trees (me) and pulling bins from the garage loft (me), and decorating the trees and house (wife). Then putting the tree boxes back (me), and putting the bins back up in the garage loft (me).

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This is our 20th Christmas together, of which maybe 2 didnā€™t involve a multi-week trip to a distant part of the country. A real tree would never work for us.

Iā€™m surprised Iā€™m the only real tree person here. Wife is very insistent on a real tree.


Ever since being allergic as a kid itā€™s artificial for meā€¦ plus real are a fire hazard and a hassle

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real or artificial?

Real trees are nicer, but I donā€™t have time for the extra effort. I put my 8 year old in charge of the tree this year and did nothing.

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We used to go tree hunting at the Rum River Tree Farm. You can bring your own weapons of tree destruction or theyā€™ll provide one for you. Theyā€™d sometimes have wagon rides & animals to pet & all that, so it was a fun experience & you also got a tree that was freshly downed instead of something thatā€™s been sitting in a warehouse for months. A few years ago we went ā€œartificial,ā€ though, and have never looked back.

We did real trees for a while, but Weaselette found a great deal on a big silver one about 10 years ago and itā€™s been great.

As a kid we would drive down to Santa Cruz and hunt down our own tree and cut it down, tie it to the top of the station wagon and haul it home. That was fun. Not an option where I live now.

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This is what happens when you put an 8 year old in charge of the tree. Well, this plus a very proud child. She also spontaneously decorated the porch and did a really good job.


Artificial tree for the first time in 12 years. Itā€™s sad, but we got a nice tree and we will make sure we use it long enough to offset the environmental impact.


my 26 yr old is artificial. I like the ease of it.

i like a nice real one at someone elseā€™s house. iā€™m lazy and donā€™t put the energy into this stuff - so happy to keep the fake one. could even pass on the notion entirely. (Im only gonna have to take it back down in a few weeks, right? although one year it made it to July. Yes, you read that.)


Tree turned out very nice this year.


Tell ā€˜em Mathman says terrific job, 10/10.


I like the art work on the wall behind as well.


Yes. I agree with Mathman


Real, because there are so many lovely Douglas firs in this part of the world to choose from. Also because the local high school sells them as a fundraiser for their outdoor education program and my SIL taught in that program for many years.

They also smell better than artificial ones.

Also fond memories of cutting them ourselves in our Ontario woodlot, so nostalgic.