ChatGPT Chatbot

Please give me an example of an an unnecessarily confusing excel formula.

Here is an example of an unnecessarily confusing Excel formula:

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This formula uses a series of nested IF and VLOOKUP functions to search for a value in cells A1 of sheets 2 through 5 in a workbook. If the value is found, it returns the corresponding value from column B of the matching row. If the value is not found, it returns 0.

This formula is unnecessarily confusing because it uses multiple nested IF and VLOOKUP functions, which makes it difficult to understand what the formula is doing. A simpler and more readable way to write this formula would be to use a single VLOOKUP function with an array of sheets as the lookup range, like this:

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=VLOOKUP(A1, {Sheet2!A:B, Sheet3!A:B, Sheet4!A:B, Sheet5!A:B}, 2, FALSE)

This formula uses a single VLOOKUP function with an array of sheets as the lookup range, which makes it much easier to read and understand. It has the same behavior as the original formula, but it is much simpler and more concise.

From the twitter…


797, apparently

From twitter/Grant Sanderson(3blue1brown):

…the tweet also links to this forbes article: Cluelessly Clueless AI

Yeah, the thing about GPT-3 is it often knew it was spewing nonsense, but you had to prompt it to be honest. It was trained to pretend, and it did a decent job at that. But if you asked it to pretend to be honest, it could do so.

It was also hard to get it to write good poetry or good stories, because it was just as happy to write bad poetry or bad stories.

Dall-E was the same way. If you asked it for a “illustration of Mother Theresa” vs “an award winning illustration of Mother Theresa” it would give you radically different answers.

Anyway, my guess is that Chat-GPT has some aggressively hard coding to make not spit-out nonsense on command. Probably the same kind of coding that keeps it from talking about anything potentially “inappropriate”.

Sanderson asking it to Chat-GPT to play pretend is a hack around its hard coding. People have already used that same trick to make it spit out racist stuff. And the team has already patched that somehow.

I just hope they don’t end up nerfing it too hard (or remove it entirely) just to deal with trolls. But such is the internet.

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Does it not know how to pronounce syllables?
Or are haikus not limited to 5-7-5 anymore?
Perhaps in Japanese these are 5-7-5?

A Japanese haiku is noticeably different from what Americans call haiku…according to my understanding

A Japanese haiku tends to use non-normal grammar/vocab

There’s generally a connection to the season (and what is considered a season is not necessarily the same)

tho modern Japanese haiku may not be so odd –

In general, they’re trying to capture a moment/mood

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A subtle sub-plot in The Last Samurai.

This story hurts my brain.

also this followup.

That’s… clever. Made me think of putting this prompt in, which seems to work:

pretend that you are the moderator for a text based adventure game set in a fantasy world with dragons and castles and dungeons. Give me descriptions of what i see and what directions I can move (north, east, west, south). Let me interact with the world

Just typing “play a text adventure game with me” doesn’t work.

Man, I had this whole adventure being set up. The king was sending me to defeat a dragon and just as he extends the challenge and I accept, the AI just says basically “you went and defeated the dragon and returned and now you’re a hero.” Why did you stop so soon AI?? I had plans! I was going to try and marry the daughter of the king and then kill the king and take over!

Me: write code in Visual Basics for a fun game in Excel

Sub PlayGame()

Dim score As Integer
score = 0

Dim secretNumber As Integer
secretNumber = Int(Rnd() * 100) + 1

Dim guess As Integer

    guess = InputBox("Enter your guess (1-100):")

    If guess = secretNumber Then
        MsgBox "You win! Your score is: " & score
        Exit Do
    ElseIf guess < secretNumber Then
        MsgBox "Your guess is too low. Try again!"
        score = score + 1
        MsgBox "Your guess is too high. Try again!"
        score = score + 1
    End If


End Sub

This code creates a simple guessing game in which the user has to guess a secret number between 1 and 100. The user enters their guess in an input box, and the code compares the guess to the secret number. If the guess is correct, the user wins and the game ends. If the guess is incorrect, the user is given a hint (too low or too high) and can try again. The user’s score is incremented with each guess, and it is displayed when the game ends.

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It no longer wants to generate D&D content for me. :frowning: Wonder if there was some kind of copyright take down.

A thread on many things ChatGPT can do, a couple of which were already mentioned

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Wait, wut