Burial Alternatives?

when i am gone, it is now this natural rot back to dirt method or cremation. but no urns of debris for the kids. we have both of my wife’s parents in the house and wtf are we really supposed to do w them other than avoid spilling them forever.


Honestly, if it were my parents… You’re gonna be replaced with some sentimental knickknack that’s less in the way and less likely to break and spill your human remains everywhere.

I’m sure your wife will love the suggestion to throw her parents in the kitchen garbage, though.


Waking up in the crematorium would be pretty bad too. Just sayin’.

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At least the composting wouldn’t be so bad. Warm and itchy, but that’s all :slight_smile:

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Assuming there is no mechanical assist at the front end.

My cousin bought a house and the prior owners left (who she now refers to as Uncle Leo) an urn, they didn’t seem to want back.

He gets invited to the annul Halloween party


Mrs. Hoffman has talked about being cremated and put in a grove of trees somewhere and starting a haunted forest.


Yeah, but it would be over quicker than thrashing around in an underground coffin for a few days.

I’ve thought that I would kinda like to leave my body a forensics school where they’d leave it out in the woods for a while to study what happens to it.


Mods, can we break off the alternative to traditional burial posts to a separate thread? It’s a worthy discussion.


YARN | You want to cook with me, using me, you mean. | The IT Crowd (2006) - S02E03 Moss And The German | Video clips by quotes | 7b90aa28 | 紗

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If another mod doesn’t do by Monday morning; I’ll work on doing it.

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Somebody mentioned in the other thread (I think it wasn’t moved here, not concerned about it) that they’d prefer their body be donated to a forensic science program.

That’s an option at my local town college, and actually would be my top choice, but I understand they have a pretty good “applicant pool” already. Still, it would be cool to be chucked into a swamp so students could come by and estimate I died between 12-15 months ago, etc. It’s also, ignoring the student portion, the only legal method in the US for my top preferred way to go anyway, to just rot somewhere and be eaten.

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If any other posts from the other thread needs to be moved here, just report that post.

Kept the topic in Political given that laws and all that are applicable.

I have zero wishes for my death. I do not care what happens to my body, I won’t be in it. Cremate me, grow a tree out of me, burn me in an effigy, have my body eaten by wild animals for science, boil me, mash me, stick me in a stew. Whatever my surviving family is fine with is good with me.

Just as long as any of my donatable organs are put to another use first.

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What about making dinner for the homeless?



I mentioned the stew!

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There still plenty of meat on that bone! You take this home add some broth a potato, and baby you got a stew going!

Rip Carl weathers

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My band happened to add this to our setlist for last Friday Night