I’ve seen the unvaccinated bully the vaccinated plenty. Those anti maskers can be assholes.
250k Americans are dead since then because they read bad info about the vaccine or covid, not because of Biden’s comment.
That’s how we rolled in my po catholic school. I punched a third of the boys in my class in the face before leaving 8th grade Practically nothing happened to any of us. I think I stayed 30 minutes after school once.
Note: I was the one being bullied, and the smallest in the class at the time. I had friends in the town’s public school and I think the emotional toll was low for me since I didn’t feel like I needed my classmates validation.
Yeah a little confused what marcie’s point was with that.
Wow, hope you didn’t pull a muscle from that stretch.
Now bullies can do it from the convenience of their couch.
Nice strawman. About a million Americans are dead since Biden’s comment, because people die.
If NYC is representative () a person who died with covid in the last couple months was about as likely to be vaccinated as a person selected at random from the population (even with possible definitional issues):
Citation needed. I don’t believe this happened, much less “plenty.”
When the government & many major institutions are discriminating against one segment of a population (despite a lack of scientific basis), it’s not a stretch to see that as, at least implicitly if not explicitly, sanctioning abuse of that segment.
I will grant you I have seen ugliness from both sides of the mask debate. I’d say there have still been more maskholes on the pro-mask side. Too many Karens. Also, again, there is no systemic discrimination or denial of service (except maybe in some very fringe anti-mask-owned establishments) to anyone wearing a mask. Almost all anti-maskers don’t care if people choose to wear masks; they just want that same indifference given to them.
Bullshit, in my personal experience. I’ve made exactly zero negative comments to people not wearing masks (whether or not they were supposed to by law or otherwise). I’ve directly received multiple negative comments about wearing a mask. My experience is not an anomaly.
My experience is exactly opposite what you describe, & I’d guess mine is more typical. Have you been shut out of anything for wearing a mask?
I deleted my original reply to your above question after thinking about this poor kid’s family and how disrespectful it is to exploit the tragedy of their dead child with snarky tangents, and won’t continue in this thread.
So wanting someone to wear a mask to protect others in a medical establishment is somehow “bullying”? You have a very loose definition of bullying.
Sorry, my mouth isn’t big enough for all the words you’re trying to shove into it. Would it trouble you too much to respond to what I actually wrote?
Where did i claim there was denial of service to the vaccinated or masked? I said that the unvaxxed are assholes to the vaxxed and anti masters are assholes. There are plenty of videos out there with anti maskers bullying people wearing masks.
Denying service for not following public health mandates isn’t bullying
This dipshits entire shtick involves calling people stupid for getting vaccinated and wearing masks or taking covid seriously at all
He is a “freedom lover” which means do what he says (and buy his merch! Lots of merch!), not what biden or fauci says. Freedom hypocrite
Read the comments of all his followers saying vile things about people who do anything to show they care about stopping covid and hating on libs. This is just one example of millions on the internet with anti masker covid deniers hating on people who follow public health protocols
What is the source of your random chart?
People like DeSantis?
Unfortunately, the exceptions to this rule are particularly memorable. (I have been verbally assaulted and threatened by an antimasker.)
But it is fair to observe that there are some instances of pro-mask folks being similarly uncivil.
Shown on the chart:
I’m not sure it’s fair to observe that. People who wear masks want others to also wear masks in order to not spread germs. What is the rationale for an anti masker harassing a person wearing a mask or commenting on it at all, exactly?
It’s not okay to threaten people, but asking them to put on a mask ain’t harassment
I am not going to bother spending time on this crap. Go create a national headline if you think NY is lying and vaccines aren’t saving lives.
At some point vaccine effectiveness and population vaccination rates converge and produce garbage misleading statistics that you should know better than to post here, or anywhere else.