Bullying Thread

Sorry, my mouth isn’t big enough for all the words you’re trying to shove into it. Would it trouble you too much to respond to what I actually wrote?

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Where did i claim there was denial of service to the vaccinated or masked? I said that the unvaxxed are assholes to the vaxxed and anti masters are assholes. There are plenty of videos out there with anti maskers bullying people wearing masks.

Denying service for not following public health mandates isn’t bullying

This dipshits entire shtick involves calling people stupid for getting vaccinated and wearing masks or taking covid seriously at all

He is a “freedom lover” which means do what he says (and buy his merch! Lots of merch!), not what biden or fauci says. Freedom hypocrite

Read the comments of all his followers saying vile things about people who do anything to show they care about stopping covid and hating on libs. This is just one example of millions on the internet with anti masker covid deniers hating on people who follow public health protocols

What is the source of your random chart?

People like DeSantis?

Unfortunately, the exceptions to this rule are particularly memorable. (I have been verbally assaulted and threatened by an antimasker.)

But it is fair to observe that there are some instances of pro-mask folks being similarly uncivil.

Shown on the chart:

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I’m not sure it’s fair to observe that. People who wear masks want others to also wear masks in order to not spread germs. What is the rationale for an anti masker harassing a person wearing a mask or commenting on it at all, exactly?

It’s not okay to threaten people, but asking them to put on a mask ain’t harassment


I am not going to bother spending time on this crap. Go create a national headline if you think NY is lying and vaccines aren’t saving lives.

At some point vaccine effectiveness and population vaccination rates converge and produce garbage misleading statistics that you should know better than to post here, or anywhere else.


This is a thread about bullying. Bullying in a high school. Bullying that led to a kid’s death.

It is not a thread about covid, nor about whether vaccination works, nor about masks. We’ve covered these topics elsewhere.

It is relevant that a topic of the bullying was vaccination. Since the kid seems to have been vaccinated, whether vaccination is or isn’t important seems totally irrelevant.

I’m banning @Marcie from this thread. Marcie, you seem too angry about covid restrictions in general to separate that from adjacent discussions. Feel free to start a new thread if you want to complain about being required to wear a mask to do stuff

I’m instructing everyone else to get back to the topic.

Everyone, feel free to take the covid argument to another thread.


I didn’t know you could do that. Unless it is more of a general “don’t post here or you’ll get in trouble” ban versus literally preventing Marcie from posting.

Probably because the slanderers are minor children. But their slanders can cause the same problem that slanders by adults does.

Maybe if any of the slandering kids was 18 something could be done?

I haven’t been following exactly what was being said about the kid though.

OTOH, this is a thread about cyberbullying, and there were excellent examples of that right here, yet other posters STILL felt compelled to respond, and drift the thread.

Now, if you-all took a page from my book, you’d be happier clowns.

I don’t think the “slander” is the main issue here. It’s that kids are assholes and will look for any reason to bully another kid.

I struggle to put any of the kids in my school growing up in any bucket. There were rich kids, poor kids, divorced parents and not.

There was an influencer in the class that I think caused most of the problems.

Those little brats need to get thrown in the brig for slanderin

Just “don’t post here or you’ll get in trouble”.

DM me if you want me to move the covid discussion to a separate thread. (that invitation is open to Marcie, too.)

I think it’s more the other way around. Teens have low self-respect because their peers throw rocks at them and tell them to go kill themselves. If our adult jobs were like that, we’d probably all have self-esteem issues.

We need one of those funny mix-up movies where the kids become the grownups and the grownups become kids. But then the grownups are cyberbullied into suicide.

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There are plenty of cases where adults are cyber-bullied, and it’s a major problem for those adults. But it’s WAY more common among kids. Mostly because teens are assholes.

If our adult jobs were like that we would go to hr. It’s just not really acceptable to bully your coworkers like that. Somehow teens get more of a pass there. I never felt safe in school as a kid. Never had anything close to that feeling in an office as an adult.