Had missed this thread. Apologies.
A: Pass. Maybe I try to be too coy on these, but without support for partner, and with RHO having spades, I think it may be unlikely either side has a fit. So tempted to let them hang themselves and leave them underestimating me. Is that a bad mindset?
B: 2C. Seems enough to show basic support for partner’s suit and my moderate level of strength.
C: Pass. This might be too conservative. But this feels like we will rarely have enough for game. Sure, I can imagine it. But I imagine us going down more often than not. And my hand may have some defensive value if Opps decide to jump in.
D: Double. I was thinking 2D with the basic 2/1 requirements, but I like double slightly better because it allows me to show my 4 spades at a cheaper spot.
E: Double? Not even entirely sure if this would imply for penalty or takeout. It feels like we should get a plus score here. Partner knows I have 5 hearts and 3 spades. Pass would be my other consideration.
F: 3NT. May just gamble with 3NT. Spades is a big risk, but West has to lead. Not being able to access any help from partner may also be a problem. But I likely have 9 NT tricks myself as long as I can stop spades (assuming west doesn’t open with a spade lead.
G: 3NT. I’m unsure, but 2NT is likely invitational and may let partner pass, but I think we have enough to play in 3NT. Obviously we likely have no fit at all with partner and that could become a problem. But hoping we have enough individual strength to carry.
H: D4. My initial thought is to try to knock out East’s ability to access West’s diamond power. Maybe I am off base. 4D=Natural makes me nervous that it doesn’t imply diamond length and weakness, but rather diamond length and strength??
From VVV by e-mail
A) Rdbl
B) 2C
C) Pass
D) Dbl
E) Pass
F) 3NT
G) 3C
H) Club 4
From VVV by e-mail
A. | Redouble. Show some strength, hopefully not promising more than this. 1S seems wrong when East has shown 4 |
B. | 2C. Support with support |
C. | P. Too weak to bid |
D. | 2D |
E. | P. Not gaining much with a double, and potentially losing a lot. |
F. | P. Even vul at imps, with likely misfit |
G. | 3D |
H. | D9. Maybe partner ruffs round 2, or even round 1. |
SW Rdbl 2C P 2D P P 3D D9
BTDT Rdbl 2C P Dbl P 3NT 3C C4
veni vidi vici Rdbl 2C 1S Dbl Dbl 3NT 3C C4
Leading Rdbl 2C
B) 2C
C) P
D) 2D
E) P
F) 3H
G) 2N
H) C4
From NN by e-mail
SW Rdbl 2C P 2D P P 3D D9
Klaymen Rdbl 2C P 2D P 3H 2N C4
BTDT Rdbl 2C P Dbl P 3NT 3C C4
NN Rdbl 1N 1S 2D P 3D 3D H6
veni vidi vici Rdbl 2C 1S Dbl Dbl 3NT 3C C4
Leading Rdbl 2C P 2D P C4
Now with leaders on 6 of 8 (But 2 leaders are only by 3-2, so next voter could create a tie.)
A. 1NT. Upper end of range, but shows hand well and implies two card support which I would like pd to know about. Redouble wider range of hands, so don’t like that call.
B. 1NT. Shape says minors but lots of queens says nt.
C. 1 spade. A good partner won’t bid 2D next
D. 2 diamonds. A little lighter/shorter than I like for 2 level overcall, but with these spots, taking up max room, and MPs makes me do it.
E. Double. If the opps don’t make any doubled contracts, you aren’t doubling enough.
F. 3NT. Could be convinced 3 diamonds is better.
G. 2NT.
H. Hearts six. Want to set up tricks before they pull trumps and run diamonds.
April guesses:
A. 1N
B. 1N
C. Pass
D. Pass
E. Double
F. Pass
G. 3C
H. Heart 6
procrastinator 1NT 1NT 1S 2D Dbl 3NT 2N H6
oirg 1NT 1NT P P Dbl P 3C H6
SW Rdbl 2C P 2D P P 3D D9
Klaymen Rdbl 2C P 2D P 3H 2N C4
BTDT Rdbl 2C P Dbl P 3NT 3C C4
NN Rdbl 1NT 1S 2D P 3D 3D H6
veni vidi vici Rdbl 2C 1S Dbl Dbl 3NT 3C C4
Abstract Actuary P 2C P Dbl Dbl 3NT 3NT D4
Leading Rdbl 2C P 2D 3NT 3C
again with 2 tied
From ST e-mail
procrastinator 1NT 1NT 1S 2D Dbl 3NT 2N H6
oirg 1NT 1NT P P Dbl P 3C H6
SW Rdbl 2C P 2D P P 3D D9
Klaymen Rdbl 2C P 2D P 3H 2N C4
ST Rdbl 2C P 2D Dbl 3D 2N H6
BTDT Rdbl 2C P Dbl P 3NT 3C C4
NN Rdbl 1NT 1S 2D P 3D 3D H6
veni vidi vici Rdbl 2C 1S Dbl Dbl 3NT 3C C4
Abstract Actuary P 2C P Dbl Dbl 3NT 3NT D4
Leading Rdbl 2C P 2D Dbl 3NT H6
One still tied. Last chance for lobbying.
Doesn’t change anything, but I’ll lead the 9 of diamonds instead of the 4. I still think a diamond lead can be pretty valuable. Trying to take away east’s entries to west’s strengths.
From 4Sigma by e-mail
procrastinator 1NT 1NT 1S 2D Dbl 3NT 2N H6
oirg 1NT 1NT P P Dbl P 3C H6
SW Rdbl 2C P 2D P P 3D D9
Klaymen Rdbl 2C P 2D P 3H 2N C4
ST Rdbl 2C P 2D Dbl 3D 2N H6
BTDT Rdbl 2C P Dbl P 3NT 3C C4
NN Rdbl 1NT 1S 2D P 3D 3D H6
veni vidi vici Rdbl 2C 1S Dbl Dbl 3NT 3C C4
Abstract Actuary P 2C P Dbl Dbl 3NT 3NT D9
Submitted Rdbl 2C P 2D Dbl 3NT 3C H6
I broke the tie on G based on 4Sigma’s preference for 3C, which would also be my preference. (4Sigma referred to 3C vs 3NT, when the actual tie is 3C vs 2NT, but since his preference is based on having partner declare NT, that sounds to me like still a preference for 3C.)
A B C D E F G H Total
procrastinator 1NT 0 1NT 80 1S 100 2D 90 Dbl 100 3NT 70 2N 100 H6 100 640
oirg 1NT 0 1NT 80 P 80 P 60 Dbl 100 P 80 3C 80 H6 100 580
SW Rdbl 100 2C 100 P 80 2D 90 P 70 P 80 3D 70 D9 80 670
Klaymen Rdbl 100 2C 100 P 80 2D 90 P 70 3H 70 2N 100 C4 70 680
ST Rdbl 100 2C 100 P 80 2D 90 Dbl 100 3D 100 2N 100 H6 100 770
BTDT Rdbl 100 2C 100 P 80 Dbl 100 P 70 3NT 70 3C 80 C4 70 670
NN Rdbl 100 1NT 80 1S 100 2D 90 P 70 3D 100 3D 70 H6 100 710
veni vidi vici Rdbl 100 2C 100 1S 100 Dbl 100 Dbl 100 3NT 70 3C 80 C4 70 720
4Sigma 1NT 0 2C 100 1S 100 2D 90 Dbl 100 3D 100 3D 70 D9 80 640
Abstract Actuary P 50 2C 100 P 80 Dbl 100 Dbl 100 3NT 70 3NT 0 D9 80 580
Submitted Rdbl 100 2C 100 P 80 2D 90 Dbl 100 3NT 70 3C 80 H6 100 720
Rdbl 100 2C 100 1S 100 Dbl 100 Dbl 100 3D 100 2N 100 H6 100
P 50 1NT 80 P 80 2D 90 P 70 P 80 3C 80 D9 80
1NT 0 P 60 3H 70 3D 70 C4 70
3NT 70 3NT 0
ST’s 770 would tie for 3/4 on the Honor Roll (there were two 780’s). VVV’s and submitted’s 720s would tie for 43-66, the lowest score to make it.
Zero for 1NT on A? That seems pretty harsh.