A. 4N
B. 4C
C. Double
D. 3C
E. 3C
F. Double
G. 4S
H. Spade 10
A) 4C. If 4NT is definitely RKC, I would pick that, but think 4NT might be natural?
B) 4C. I don’t think it is a good bid, but every else seems worse.
C) 3H. Tempted by double, planning to convert to 3H, but if opps bid more spades, that will be no good.
D) 2H I guess? MPs is a weird game.
E) 3 clubs. 2NT ok, but with partner a passed hand, losses some of the appeal to me.
F) Double. Partner a passed hand makes a jump in diamonds less likely. Will be 3NT over 3D, 3 spades over 3 hearts.
G) 6 diamonds. Everything is too ambiguous, will just bid what I think is the best contract. Probably won’t score well in a contest.
H) Jack of diamonds. Only thing I could up with for choosing between the minors is that LHO might have bid stayman with 4441 (or similar) but not 4414.
procrastinator 4C 4C 3H 2H 3C Dbl 6D DJ
oirg 4N 4C Dbl 3C 3C Dbl 4S S10
SW 4C 5D 3N 3S 3C 4S 6H DJ
BTDT 4C 4C 3H 3S P 4S 6D H6
NN 4C 4C 3H 3S P 3N 4S DJ
veni vidi vici
Abstract Actuary
Leading 4C 4C 3H 3S 3C DJ
Last chance to influence the voting. I must submit this evening. In the absence of further discussion, I would submit Dbl on F and 6D on G (my initial first choice, and what would be my clear first choice at imps)
From ST via e-mail
There was another e-mail indicating some ambiguity about C. I think Dbl was final preference, but possibly he wanted 3H.
procrastinator 4C 4C 3H 2H 3C Dbl 6D DJ
oirg 4N 4C Dbl 3C 3C Dbl 4S S10
SW 4C 5D 3N 3S 3C 4S 6H DJ
ST 4C 5D Dbl 3C 2N 3N 4S S10
BTDT 4C 4C 3H 3S P 4S 6D H6
NN 4C 4C 3H 3S P 3N 4S DJ
Submitted 4C 4C 3H 3S 3C Dbl 4S DJ
F ended in an exact tie. G ended in a virtual tie, but those who wanted to bid a slam now didn’t agree on which slam.
A B C D E F G H Total
procrastinator 4C 100 4C 100 3H 60 2H 30 3C 90 Dbl 100 6D 50 DJ 100 630
oirg 4N 40 4C 100 Dbl 100 3C 70 3C 90 Dbl 100 4S 100 S10 30 630
SW 4C 100 5D 0 3N 80 3S 30 3C 90 4S 50 6H 10 DJ 100 460
BTDT 4C 100 4C 100 3H 60 3S 30 P 70 4S 50 6D 50 H6 0 460
NN 4C 100 4C 100 3H 60 3S 30 P 70 3N 50 4S 100 DJ 100 610
veni vidi vici
Submitted 4C 100 4C 100 3H 60 3S 30 3C 90 Dbl 100 4S 100 DJ 100 680
4C 100 4C 100 Dbl 100 2D 100 2N 100 Dbl 100 4S 100 CJ 100
4N 40 5D 0 3N 80 3C 70 3C 90 3N 50 6D 50 DJ 100
3H 60 2H 30 P 70 4S 50 6H 10 S10 30
3S 30 H6 0
Fortunately we got 100 on each of the questions which had been tied, so our Submitted score of 680 tied for 37-44 on the monthly honor roll. 62 people made the honor roll, which required 650.
A) Dbl
B) 2H
C) 3C
D) 4S
E) 5C
F) Pass
G) 3N
H) Diamond 6
A) X
B) 3S
C) 3S
D) 4S
E) 6N
F) Pass
G) 3N
H) s9
March guesses:
A. 2H
B. 4S
C. 3S
D. 2D
E. 5C
F. 3C
G. 3N
H. Spade 9
From ST by e-mail
From VVV by e-mail
A. 3D. Since it’s imps, and my diamonds are better and spades maybe not as good as double would suggest
B. 2S. Normally I would bid 2H with this much, and would here if vul, but the heart Q may be worthless especially if partner declares
C. 3S. Suit a bit weak, but values fine
D. 4S. Tough choice since 4H may be much better.
E. 5H, even though pass may be better (or 6D might be, or 6NT)
F. 2H. With only 2 hearts and only 4 spades, not going to bid more now
G. 3NT. Hard to imagine anything else
H. HQ. Nothing attractive; start to unblock
oirg 2H 4S 3S 2D 5C 3C 3N S9
SW 3D 2S 3S 4S 5H 2H 3N HQ
ST DBL 2S 3H 3D 5C 3D 3N D6
BTDT Dbl 2H 3C 4S 5C P 3N D6
veni vidi vici 2H 2H 3H 3D 6D P 3D C10
Leading Dbl 3S 4S 5C P 3N
oirg 2H 4S 3S 2D 5C 3C 3N S9
SW 3D 2S 3S 4S 5H 2H 3N HQ
Klaymen Dbl 3S 3S 4S 6N P 3N S9
ST DBL 2S 3H 3D 5C 3D 3N D6
BTDT Dbl 2H 3C 4S 5C P 3N D6
veni vidi vici 2H 2H 3H 3D 6D P 3D C10
Leading Dbl 3S 4S 5C P 3N
Klaymen’s votes had been included in determining the Leading, but the row had been hidden for printing.
NN by e-mail
A. 2 clubs. Borderline, but if I can show a strong raise without raising the level more than a single raise, think it is ok. If we have game in spades, will be hearing more from pd.
B. 4 spades. Am I missing something?
C. 2NT. Yuck.
D. 2 diamonds. If partner bids hearts will bid the heart game. Otherwise will bid 4 spades.
E. 6 diamonds. Hope partner has a black ace.
F. Pass. Big gamble, but seems somewhat likely we don’t have a game
G. 3NT. No second choice, not even sure what other call I am supposed to consider?
H. Ten of clubs.
procrastinator via e-mail
procrastinator 2C 4S 2N 2D 6D P 3N C10
oirg 2H 4S 3S 2D 5C 3C 3N S9
SW 3D 2S 3S 4S 5H 2H 3N HQ
Klaymen Dbl 3S 3S 4S 6N P 3N S9
ST DBL 2S 3H 3D 5C 3D 3N D6
BTDT Dbl 2H 3C 4S 5C P 3N D6
NN 2C 2H 3S 3S 6D 3S 3N C10
veni vidi vici 2H 2H 3H 3D 6D P 3D C10
Submitted Dbl 2H 3S 4S 6D P 3N C10
Since all regulars had voted, I submitted, breaking the tie on E.
A B C D E F G H Total
procrastinator 2C 60 4S 100 2N 80 2D 100 6D 100 P 100 3N 100 C10 90 730
oirg 2H 60 4S 100 3S 60 2D 100 5C 0 3C 60 3N 100 S9 100 580
SW 3D 0 2S 60 3S 60 4S 70 5H 0 2H 0 3N 100 HQ 60 350
Klaymen Dbl 100 3S 90 3S 60 4S 70 6N 70 P 100 3N 100 S9 100 690
ST DBL 100 2S 60 3H 80 3D 90 5C 0 3D 70 3N 100 D6 70 570
BTDT Dbl 100 2H 80 3C 60 4S 70 5C 0 P 100 3N 100 D6 70 580
NN 2C 60 2H 80 3S 60 3S 20 6D 100 3S 90 3N 100 C10 90 600
veni vidi vici 2H 60 2H 80 3H 80 3D 90 6D 100 P 100 3D 70 C10 90 670
Submitted Dbl 100 2H 80 3S 60 4S 70 6D 100 P 100 3N 100 C10 90 700
Dbl 100 4S 100 2S 100 2D 100 6D 100 P 100 3N 100 S9 100
2D 80 3S 90 3H 80 3D 90 6N 70 3S 90 3D 70 C10 90
2C 60 2H 80 2N 80 4S 70 5H 0 3D 70 D6 70
2H 60 2S 60 3C 60 3H 50 5C 0 3C 60 HQ 60
3D 0 3S 60 3S 20 2H 0
procrastinator’s 730 would tie for 6-9 on the monthly honor roll. Our 700 did tie for 30-42. It took 690 to make the honor roll (56 people did).