Here are my votes. I first put the problems in the 2024 thread. I will move or copy them here.
A. 2D. While it is conceivable that it is a misfit where we have no game, that’s way too conservative a position to take. At matchpoints, with a decent 6 card spade suit, 4C now would be poor. Second choice 3S, even though non forcing. I don’t expect it to finish worse than second in the scoring, but probably not first.
B. 3C. I hate all those honors in the major suits, but at least they can’t lead through the heart K on opening lead.
C. 2H. That’s plenty when partner is unlikely to have 3 hearts or spades. Not close IMO.
D. 3N since it’s matchpoints. Yes, maybe that’s bananas Second choice 4D.
E. 2S. Yuck. Let’s hope partner’s spades include the king. If they start with 3 rounds of hearts, likely I’ll pitch a diamond. Unfortunate that we could belong in game, but I don’t see a good way to be more aggressive.
F. P. Can’t see doing more with only a K in the minors.
G. 2N. Only possible alternative is 2S.
H. Heart 8. A diamond is terrible, IMO. Second choice a spade.
A) 3C. First inclination was 3S which probably is better.
B) Pass. Can’t believe my partner can double, leading a diamond to score a ruff.
C) 3H. Actually it is close as you only have 5 losers.
D) 5D. Pushy but I might make game opposite Kd Ac
E) 3C
F) Pass
G) 2NT
H) h8
SW 2D 3C 2H 3N 2S P 2N H8
Klaymen 3C P 3H 5D 3C P 2N H8
BTDT 2D 3C 2S 4C 3C 2N 3H S2
NN 3S 3N 2H 4D 3C P 2S H8
veni vidi vici
Abstract Actuary
Leading 3C P H8
A) 2 diamonds. I know you are supposed to treasure positive scores at matchpoints and all, but I still can’t imagine not forcing to game with this hand once we find a fit.
B) Pass. Rather confused, may change my mind after I read what others think is going on.
C) 2H. OK, this time I will try to protect the plus.
D) Yuck, this is what I like a style where 1H promises an unbalanced hand. Could partner be 3433 for this sequence? Ok, enough stalling, I will bid 4D.
E) 3 clubs. Tough problem.
F) Pass. Old fashioned I know, but vul opposite a passed hand, and honors in spades and not diamonds, does not seem wise to come in.
G) 2NT, seems normal to me.
H) Heart 8. At IMPs when they are in 4NT after inviting slam, seems like we need to hit the jackpot to set it. With my doubleton heart, hoping the jackpot is partner’s surprisingly strong heart holding.
No. 1H did not promise an unbalanced hand. Could be 4=4=2=3 [probably could not be, see b and c below] or 3=4=2=4 (neither of which would have bid 3D, presumably) or 2=4=3=4 or unbalanced. Could not be 3=4=3=3 [see a below]
Opener has shown 4+ clubs. With 4=4=2=3, he opens 1NT or rebids in NT over 1D.
procrastinator 2D P 2H 4D 3C P 2N H8
oirg 3S 3C 3H 3N 3C 2N P H8
SW 2D 3C 2H 3N 2S P 2N H8
Klaymen 3C P 3H 5D 3C P 2N H8
BTDT 2D 3C 2S 4C 3C 2N 3H S2
NN 3S 3N 2H 4D 3C P 2S H8
veni vidi vici
Abstract Actuary
Leading 2D 3C 2H 3C P 2N H8
Now with leaders on 7 or 8. I will not be disappointed if a new vote for 3S creates a tie on A, which I would break in favor of 3S (mentioned by both Klaymen and me as a strong second choice), but I will stick with my 2D except to break a tie.
procrastinator 2D P 2H 4D 3C P 2N H8
oirg 3S 3C 3H 3N 3C 2N P H8
SW 2D 3C 2H 3N 2S P 2N H8
Klaymen 3C P 3H 5D 3C P 2N H8
BTDT 2D 3C 2S 4C 3C 2N 3H S2
NN 3S 3N 2H 4D 3C P 2S H8
veni vidi vici 2D 3N 3H 3N 2N 3C 2N H8
Abstract Actuary
Leading 2D 3C 3H? 3N 3C P 2N H8
Still hoping for more votes. C is tied 3-3, but if nothing more comes in, I would break the tie with 3H, since BTDT’s 2S is a stronger action than 2H.
procrastinator 2D P 2H 4D 3C P 2N H8
oirg 3S 3C 3H 3N 3C 2N P H8
SW 2D 3C 2H 3N 2S P 2N H8
Klaymen 3C P 3H 5D 3C P 2N H8
ST 2N 3C 2S 4C 3C 2N Rdbl C2
BTDT 2D 3C 2S 4C 3C 2N 3H S2
NN 3S 3N 2H 4D 3C P 2S H8
veni vidi vici 2D 3N 3H 3N 2N 3C 2N H8
Abstract Actuary
Leading 2D 3C 3H 3N 3C P 2N H8
With another strong 2S call on C, 3H is definitely leading, even though 2H and 3H each have 3 votes. Not sure, put probably would still decide that 3H is more the consensus even if we got another 2H vote. And deadline for me to enter is tonight.
More from Sweet Tooth by e-mail (without him having seen the posts here, I believe)
about A, where I told him that 2H and 3H were tied.
So he’s clearly in agreement that I should break tie in favor of 3H.
I think he means changing a submission submitted to the Bridge World, and they allow no changes after initial submission. Since I haven’t submitted yet, I still could change. No need to, since we had 2D anyway. But when I post our own individual scores, I will treat his vote as 2D.