Brag about your kids thread

No, if the gravitational pull of the sun didn’t accelerate you, you wouldn’t orbit it. The reason you don’t feel it is due to the small magnitude.

Im still not sure what you’re saying here. I’m saying there are 2 “forces”. The sun’s gravity and the centrepetal force of the earth’s orbit around the sun. Even if you were very sensitive you wouldn’t be able to feel them because they balance each other out.

Again think of it like a space ship. People on a space ship don’t feel pulled towards earth, even though they are right next to earth.


“It looks like a candy cane!!!”

The juxtaposition of such a sensation of victory and hilarity was almost too much to bear. I literally almost exploded from joy.


You know you’re winning as a parent when you have fewer diapers to change


Congrats, ALS, but this thread is supposed to be about your kids.


I will have to think about how to resolve the apparent contradictions of not feeling acceleration while in free fall (I presume this is what you mean in spaceship example) vs the impact of the sun on tides even though the earth is in free fall around the sun, for instance.

Is it accurate though to describe the earth or an orbiting spaceship as “in freefall”? They’re actually moving very quickly sideways, and thus aren’t an inertial frame.

Oh, tidal forces. Yes if we were ridiculously sensitive, we could feel those, and those should be seasonal, I think? But tidal forces are a whole lot less than the full force of gravity. A tide is the difference in the sun’s gravity depending on where you are on the earth. If you’re on the side of the Earth closest to the sun, then you’re pulled just slightly more than average, and if you’re on the side farthest from the sun, then you’re pulled slightly less than average. In both cases, the “force” is upwards from your perspective, so, like the moon, the sun’s tide should be high twice a day, once at noon and once at midnight. I have no clue how such a little force can pick up the ocean and smash me with it. Probably complicated.

According to the google, the moon’s tidal force is 10^-7gs and the sun is half that.

We told my 6yo son the truth about Santa today.

Tonight he came into our bedroom and told us he was proud of us for finally telling the truth and he was not upset.

Sometimes I think he thinks he has to parent us. Because I always tell him that telling the truth is hard, lying is easy and anyone can do it. But when he tells the truth, I am less upset about it than I would be about the lie, and that I’m proud of him for having the courage to be honest. Guess he thought the tables needed turned on this one.


What made you decide to tell him the truth?

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When my kid asked if Santa was real and I told her the truth she responded that I wouldn’t get anything for Christmas since I didn’t believe. This was a struggle for a few years until I refused to talk about it. I feel like I am the only parent in the world who was traumatized by this conversation. It’s been like 18 or 19 years!


Unless the object is at a constant velocity (v) and moving in a straight line, you are accelerating.

a = Δv/ Δt

v is a vector which is comprised of magnitude and direction. If either is changing, then Δv <> 0, and thus as time (t) goes on the fraction is non-zero, so the object is undergoing acceleration.

Ooh…they performed it again…I think she did even better this time…so that’s why I’m sharing it yet again.
10:23 (← clicky clicky) Only in Sleep (Ēriks Ešenvalds)


Verse 1:
Only in sleep I see their faces,
Children I played with when I was a child,
Louise comes back with her brown hair braided,
Annie with ringlets warm and wild.
Only in sleep Time is forgotten—
What may have come to them, who can know?
Yet we played last night as long ago,
And the doll-house stood at the turn of the stair.

Verse 2:
Only in sleep have I known reality;
Their loving voices, their laughter’s thrill,
Only in sleep I see their faces,
Smiling, greeting me soft and still.
Only in sleep Time is forgotten—
What may have come to them, who can know?
Yet we played last night as long ago,
And the doll-house stood at the turn of the stair.

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That is really lovely, and it’s nice to know that you,1695814, are more than just a number.


“Sorry, we didn’t have enough time to read to you tonight because we played too many pretends.”

“It’s ok, I’ll tell Alexa to set a reminder for 12, so I can do night reading.”

“Uhh, maybe you shouldn’t do that.”

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Wow; I just watched that and it was just lovely.

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9 yo won a school award today. Each month, 5 kids from the school of around 450 kids are chosen via teacher nomination in various categories. His category was social awareness and he was so proud. The 5 winners get to have an ice cream party. He had been down about school lately, and this bolstered his spirits greatly.

6 yo seemed even more proud of his brother and kept interrupting the 9 yo’s telling of his accomplishment with “I’m so happy for 9. I’m so extremely happy! He did a great job and I’m so glad he gets to have that ice cream party!” I’m sure I was not that kind about my siblings’ accomplishments growing up, I would have been focused on how unfair it was they got ice cream when I didn’t.


My son was his high school homecoming prince (the junior version of king and queen).


By any chance, is your maiden name Tree?

I know, hfbb.

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and now she’s trying to get even by giving you the surprise gift of covid?

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