Brag about your GoActuary badges

I never asked for it.

At least I don’t think I did.

Must have been early day drinking that day.

Or your dog used your phone.

Hmmm. Doesn’t really narrow it down, though.

I edited my remark while you were responding.

It looks like maybe it was granted to everyone who was a member at the time bc it is only 169 people.

pretty sure I am here from the brginning, don’t believe I have one


some riggery going on with the badges!!

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I lurked for quite awhile and had resolved to post minimally.

What can I say? My people have special privileges.

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PM me if there is a badge you want.

ao_fan, even though your post was flagged, I’ll respond:

It wasn’t a suggestion, just a question.

(BTW, 'twasn’t me who flagged it)

Is there a list of available badges and their requirements?

:cry: I voted and didn’t get the badge. I bet it’s because someone after the fact decided my vote shouldn’t count, and threw it out and disenfrachised me and so now …



I want a tau badge

See the Badges page at GoActuary.
If there’s a image in the ULH corner, that means you’ve got that badge.

I was proud of my pi badge.

I poop everyday and I don’t have the I POOPED badge. What is this?


I want a Stinking Badge
and I want a Honey Badge(r)