Body Fat Percentage or BMI?

also probably lose their butts completely and thighs, thus it not really illustrating a specific body shape anymore.

i don’t have big boobs at any weight though. if i became muscle woman i’d lose my thighs and butt fat. i’d still have wide hips though. as I gain weight, I just become a more extreme pear.

I had a thread on the ao with that meme saying to pick your favorite. My favorite is the chick with the 20-22% body fat percentage in that picture. 15-17% is pretty good too. 10-12% is ridiculous. I really admire muscles on women (more so than men) outside of that extreme.

it’s hard for women unless you have naturally or artificially high levels of testosterone

*F2 = 4.15

Interesting formula - it gives me a 17.7% which isn’t too far off based on the pictures. It has no factor based on height.

Oops, er, forgot to carry the one. M-hey.

Fixed. Thanks.

I’m guessing that height is not a factor in this formula because the regression on the data they had concluded that height did not affect body fat percentage. Well, not nearly as much as weight and waist size in men.
The formula equates body fat percentage to an issue of density. Takes your body and equates it to a cylinder with circumference same as your waste and a height of your height. The heavier this cylinder is, the less fat must be in it. If the cylinder gets thinner without losing the weight, then there is less fat in it.

I don’t think BMI or BF% will change that.

For once, I agree with ao_fan: the mirror is the best scale.

BMI is a decent gauge. If you are higher up the scale, even though you may not consider yourself “obese” perhaps you should look at your fitness level and lifestyle a little closer.

And don’t give me this crap “well, a lot of professional athletes would be overwrought or obese on that scale…” Well, they are elite athletes and their body composition could not be considered average or similar to the man )or woman) on the street. And that’s what BMI is for: a general guide and not a defining factor of health.

But look in the mirror. Like what you see? If not, take steps to change it.

what are the % of the population that actually like what they see in the mirror?

and really, the closer you look to your original ideals, the more critical/mentally ill you start to become

this is why so many girls have eating disorders and so many gay guys are on steroids

But how many of those people would say “Oh, I’m cool” if you told them their BMI is 18?

How do you propose they evaluate their physical health? Some chicks ARE fat. Some gay guys ARE too skinny. Blame (or not) society for their feelings of self-worth regarding their bodies.

What should be the driver to cue weight loss or gain?

(And side note: weight is deceiving. Those who carry a greater muscle to fat ratio will be heavier. My wife was on a fitness regimen several years ago. She was overweight. A combination of a Crossfit-style program and strength training made her look a helluva lot better, though she only lost about 5-10 lbs overall. The scale (thus BMI) was of little use. However, the mirror gave much better feedback.)

I base my health on what my lab results and physical examinations tell me.

The mirror only shows me the status of my mental health, as I have a disordered relationship with food, my weight, and my self-worth.

The scale only tells me if my goals are successful or unsuccessful, not whether or not I am healthy.

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Formula gives me a 13.7%. The reader that you hold in your hand at the gym gave me 15.0% last week, so pretty close between the two.

I like hamburgers and fries too much to get that last few percentage off to get the killer abs in the 12% pictures, though that’s probably my “ideal” for me

Second row looks best to me, by a lot. First row is ew, but I could settle for 10-12 guy if he kept his shirt on.

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I call my transition across the middle row Fatherhood


agree. the first guy at 3-4% body fat is downright freaky looking (sorry to body shame, but I doubt anyone on here looks like that).

I agree. The third guy would look okay if he left his shirt on. My ideal is somewhere between four and five. Six could stand to lose some weight, but is probably nice to hug.

One and two would creep me out. Nine is unpleasant to look at, but i know a couple of extremely pleasant people who are fatter, so I’ve kind of gotten used to it. ( i admit, i prefer if they don’t show too much torso skin, but meh, their body, their choice.)

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Body fat %, or better yet, have a doctor tell you “YOU IN DANGER GIRL”
I don’t disagree with your premise. But people cannot be trusted with their own evaluation of their reflection.

Cosmetically, most people would like to weigh well less than the “you are in danger” value.

3-4% looks like a pre-competition cut, aka extreme dehydration and not sustainable.

6-7%, 10-12% would be hot to my gay eyes.
15%-25% are okay, depending on the face.

I look like 10-12% without the very defined abs. My chest and arms are more defined than the 15%, but my abs look more like that.

Not all doctors are that smart though.

I am also at 22% now, which seems like at least the right ballpark. Using the same lean body mass and using my lowest adult weight, it puts me at 12.5% at my lowest which also seems at least in the right ballpark.