Body Fat Percentage or BMI?

Work out with weights, not an hour of cardio.
Eat more protein, and eat fewer carbs, especially those shitty carbs found in a box or bag or bottle. (Carbs from leaves and fruit (not juice!) are OK.) (Note, no recommendation on how much fat to eat.)
It is that simple… to write.

I’ve been working out with weights for the past couple of years, and I don’t think I’ve gained any muscle mass. But I haven’t lost much, so maybe that decent for my age. :wink:

It’s definitely helped keep a lot of things working.

Well, there is more to it. Light weights and high reps won’t do much, but better than nothing. And, BOTH advices (eating and exercise) are necessary. And losing weight is more about eating less than pumping iron.
And DEFINITELY, at your (and, way past you, my) age, doing nothing will result in muscle mass lost.

oh, for sure. That’s basically WHY I am working out with weights. I’ve gotten to the “use it or lose it” stage of life, and I’d like to delay the “lose it” as long as I can.

I’m suggesting that Tiffany not worry about losing weight, and just focus on being healthy.

lol no, she pretty much phrased it that way. my mother is kinda vain. also when i was at my heaviest she was trying to get met to go to her plastic surgeon to take care of my double chin. that went away though once I lost weight. she also likes to tell my sister that she needs to get botox for her wrinkles. said to my sister, “look at ao fan! she has no wrinkles on her forehead like you do!” i told her to stop fucking looking at me. doesn’t bother my sister though.

i’m refusing to ever color my hair to cover the grays to spite my mother. she said something like “of course you’re gonna cover the grays when they become out of hand ao fan!” ummmmm, watch me not do that!

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I worry that all my dieting (“to be healthy”) really screwed up my kids. They know I think differently now and have been supportive. I vow to never make a comment about their appearance except, “You look great!”


My mother constantly being on a diet and degrading herself had a huge impact on my self-esteem. I make sure I don’t talk about dieting or my weight or anything negative about myself in front of my kids, which is super hard. A few years ago I said something about myself, maybe that I was ugly or something, and my son said, “you’re beautiful to me, mom.” And that was the last of that. It shouldn’t be his job to prop me up.


yeah, don’t degrade yourself and don’t degrade your kids other parent. that’s a good rule to live by. nobody is perfect though.


decided to finally enter my info into my scale to see what body fat percentage it gives me even though i know it is in no way accurate. says i’m 21.5% body fat. i think it’s wrong. i think it’s higher than that in reality.

for girls that’s very fit.

according to random google searches that is:

yeah, but those scales aren’t accurate for body fat % :woman_shrugging:t2: i don’t look like that woman in the illustration for 20-22. I’m probably more like the chick in 25% in terms of body fat but without the boobs and my body is not nearly as great as hers. i don’t have muscle definition as shown in the 20-22 range is what i’m saying.

This picture makes me feel better about my “obesity” - lady 35% looks pretty smokin’ to me. (Not saying I look as good as this chick, but that’s a solid representation of what I mean when I say I don’t think I look obese).

Not sure why 30% looks thinner than 25% in that visual. Also, I know that 30% is Kim Kardashian

Those pictures dont look fat until 45%. It goes from decent body at 40% to wtf happened at 45%. 40% also does not look bigger than 35%.

yeah I don’t think the chart is too accurate

Shhh, but it makes me feel better.

Yeah, I’d like to see a scientific one on one body frame, with lots of different frame options.

My scale tells me I’m at 45% body fat. I have belly fat and some thigh fat but GEEZ I don’t think I look like that photo. I hope I don’t. There’s nothing wrong with being that size or looking that way, but if I do look like that, I have some serious, serious denial about my body.

I think my ideal body size is around 35%, if we’re going by those photos. I’ll never be skinnier than that no matter what I do.

I really don’t think that body fat scales are in any way accurate.

I totally don’t either, but I don’t have anything else to go on, so it’s my only data point.

I don’t think anyone in the world has a body close enough to mine to model in that meme, let alone the women in that meme. I should be a category in that meme just for me. All those women are hourglass shaped. I’m pear shaped to the extreme. So I can’t really pick any of them as looking like me at all.

well, in the mid ranges anyway, the low body fat ranges are more like just muscle than any body shape.

women can’t really get to lower body fat % without losing their boobs completely. That’s why many female bodybuilders have boob jobs.