Body Fat Percentage or BMI?

Same for me, my abs aren’t as defined as 10-12 guy but 15% guy has no arm muscles.

I’d also have to shave my chest and get tanned to look like 15 guy…

Speaking of what % of guys shave their chest these days? I’m married and my wife prefers some chest hair so I haven’t even thought of shaving it in years

Sounds like high maintenance, and anyone who thinks otherwise is high maintenance but thinks he’s low maintenance (the worst kind). I’d do it if:

  1. I had chest hair (mostly just breast hair); and
  2. I was shedding.

Also, note that the pics show body fat varies directly with belly fat, same as the formula I posted suggests.

Too many, I suspect. Shaving is all the rage. But I like a hairy chest. Heck, I like a hairy back too.

I’m asian. No chest hair :man_shrugging:

Do you have facial hair? I realized one day that one of my (male) Asian friends had fewer hairs on his face than most of the women in the room.

very patchy facial hair at best if I grow it out.

I have a lot of leg hair though. My brother has 0 leg hair, he also barely has any eye brows.

I can grow an okay stache

My husband has a furry chest, but no back hair, which is my preference anyway.

My dad has very little body hair, but I’m a hairy gal. I don’t have facial hair other than a few chin hairs to pluck, and I don’t have much armpit hair, but I have thick, dark leg hair and I wish my arm hair was lighter.

Husband has no chest or back hair, but he does get these long errant stray hairs on his shoulders that I get really excited about because they are fun to pluck (I am creep).

I don’t need a doctor to evaluate me. I have certain goals:

Deadlift 450 lbs
Run 3 miles without stopping
Be able to dunk a tennis ball
Weigh around 225 lbs

At the moment, I can do none of these. Therefore, I’m out of shape. But I’m also lazy. Not a winning combination.

The mirror is not kind to me, but I look ok with clothes on. And my wife is still willing to have sex with me. Maybe if she stopped it would provide motivation. I am, however, NOT bringing that up.

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I don’t think I have any back hair, mild chest hair which I don’t shave. My body has been unhelpful with keeping aligned with average male hair though, I remember being teased for not having armpit hair yet and I’ve got fairly more chest hair at 30 than I did at 20.

Always had pretty hairy legs and moderately hairy arms though…

Exactly! Not to mention the fact that dieting and exercising for the purpose of weight loss rarely results in long term achievement and maintenance of so-called healthy weights.

And the whole weight = health thing is a prime example of correlation is not causation. There are so many other factors.

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This formula concludes my body fat is 27%. My scale at home says it’s more like 40%. But I’ll use this formula to see trends over time if I continue to lose weight.

No metric is perfect, but my guess is the scale is complete crap

Well boobs are mostly fat, so if yours are small that would result in a lower body fat percentage than you’d otherwise have.

I could be wrong, but seems like having big boobs would only help decrease your body fat percentage based on the formula for women because it’s counted as lean body mass. I don’t think big boobs are a health risk, belly fat is. Also, I think the formula for women can be misleading.

Yeah when I get back into working out after not working out for a while, like… right now… I typically gain weight in the beginning. Then when I hit some magic level of muscle mass the pounds start falling off.

I think it depends on how you’re measuring it. Using DTNF’s calculation I guess boobs count as lean mass. I’m guessing the scale would count them as fat though. And in point of fact they are mostly fat.

How is the scale supposed to work? That is, what’s the mechanism by which it guessed percent body fat?

It sends a current up one leg, across your pelvis, and back down. Fat causes a lot of resistance, so it estimates from that.

Now, it only estimates fat from your hips down, so if you’re super bottom-thin, I assume it won’t be really accurate. I do have a lot of fat in my belly and hips, but I also have very large breasts, so I never know what to think about the number the scale gives me.

But it isnt harmful fat so counting it as fat is pointless. Losing boob fat does not help someone medically, so why count it at all?

Sounds like neither method counts boob fat, but I’m not trusting a cheap scale or gizmo to measure body fat percentage anyway, especially given the extreme difference NA is reporting between the two.

For me personally, I’m sticking to the mirror method in conjunction with bmi.