Bill Gates

I think the only recourse for sexual harassment would be to leave. HR would be all like, “harassment? What ocean?” and then I’d be like screw this place, man.

Well, I wouldn’t say that’s fine, it was still wrong to hit on the subordinate.

Sometimes feelings develop, sometimes people find themselves getting close, and those I think can lead to appropriate situations, but I do agree that one or both people need to find new jobs and new reporting structures first, AND I would hope it’s the one with more seniority. Too often I’ve heard of junior associates being “reassigned” while rumors circulate and the senior associate being left in their role. I don’t think that’s always the fair outcome.

Could it not be the case that it’s just harder being a male POC than a white male, just as its harder being a white woman than a white man?

The comparison shouldn’t be POC male to white male therefore I have no male privilege, it should be POC male to POC female?

I meant if a subordinate hits on a manager. Probably not super clear the way I wrote it.

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I’ve heard a number of women say that, too. But i wonder if Black men get more flack for being Black than Black women. For instance, cops are more likely to be afraid of a man, so more likely to pull the trigger.

I am not a POC, but I will point out that black men got the right to vote before white women, ascended to the highest office in our nation before white women, were integrated into the military before white women, and probably others that I’m not thinking of.

That said, people definitely have a fear of black men specifically. Significantly more than probably any other race/sex/gender combination. And the darker the black man, the scarier. This is why they get shot by police so much more than any other group.

It’s extremely unfortunate. I’m not sure what the answer is.

Oh hell yes. It’s hard to respect someone that you know for a fact is sleeping with the boss. No matter how competent they are.

I suspect that this is true.

WOC are more likely than white women to experience domestic abuse, so it’s all really complicated.

I think white women are the most cherished/protected adult group within society. But the ugly underbelly that brings is a sense of ownership/paternalism for us, so it’s not all perks, and so what gives me a privilege in some very minor ways (like being able to cry my way out of a speeding ticket more easily or get free drinks at the bar if I want) really doesn’t outweigh the risks of being a woman.

A man might get into a fist fight with another man who demeans his girlfriend, but has no problem beating that same woman behind closed doors. It’s all so complicated, and the privilege of social status doesn’t really manifest the same within sexual power dynamics or in the workplace.

And race and culture are, of course, incredibly complex. I’m not an expert on how they all intersect with regards to privilege, but it’s obvious to me they do.

Isn’t that a quote from some movie or something. I know I’ve heard it before…,

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I would agree, there is a misguided perceived threat from the Black man, that does create more of the racial prejudices

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this kind of proves my point. Women POC are defined as woman first, POC 2nd. Male POC are defined as POC first, and male 2nd. So being male is clearly a liability for POC

Privilege can be defined as who benefits most from the white patriarchy

  1. white men obviously
  2. white women - don’t let them fool you as they are always playing victim, but they have benefitted TREMENDOUSLY from the white patriarchy
  3. women POC - a close 3rd (many were able to marry powerful white men)
  4. male POC - far last

I think the notion that you can easily rank across cohort splits like this is pretty flawed.

Not to mention

is a pretty bold claim to make about a massive group of people

Could we not just look at pay gaps? Pretty sure it’s roughest being female POC of your group. Seems a little convenient to put yourself last :laughing:

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hey, I’m punching up here and u privileged people keep punching me down

but it’s so easy to rank all white men as a single cohort, isn’t it?

I don’t think it is generally helpful to rank privilege. I think it’s an unfortunate term, but it’s used to point out that people on various categories are disadvantaged in ways that can be invisible to people who have the privilege of not being in that category. And it’s not just about the patriarchy, although that can bolster some types of privilege.

  • Men have privilege that women lack
  • White people have privilege that others lack
  • Straight people have privilege
  • Cis people have privilege
  • People who grew up speaking English as their native language have privilege
  • Right handed people have privilege
  • Neurotypical people have privilege
  • Attractive people have privilege

Some of these are pretty minor, like right-handed privilege. Some of them are huge. Most of them matter more in some circumstances than in others.

Almost everyone has some privileges and lacks others.

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Now we’re talking my language.

check your privilege!

I had a thread about smart people privilege but it didn’t get very far

You can tell I’m studying for an exam because my hand is perpetually covered in graphite and I’ve had to learn to use a mouse with my right hand! Although I never did learn to use it with my left