Biden's "Crisis" at the US-Mexico Border

You mention crisis a lot, but I note solution is notably lacking in your posts.

I’m really hoping that Netflix comes up with a good documentary about who calls it a crisis and why. Then you and I can talk about that.

I will meanwhile talk to everyone else about what to do about it.

You are focusing on a subset of migrants that is spiking 2.5x, a spike that began a year ago. Also recall Trump was taking kids, from families, putting them in cages, and sending the parents off without them, as deterrence, with no real plan to reunite them.

Most of the minors are age 15-17. Coming here, without parents. How are these not true refugees? How are drug traffickers going to hide among them?

Who said anything about “hiding” among them? Is that what you think is happening?

If CBP is busy and distracted rescuing UACs, and vacating their security checkpoints to volunteer on the border, it’s leaving large gaps and holes for the nefarious traffickers to exploit.

I had no idea what you were implying. You mentioned refugees getting lost in the chaos caused by the UACs. Really very little was clear from your post. It really just sounded like a Hannity rant.

One minor point- the press has been covering this plenty, and Biden took several questions on it during his press conference a couple of weeks ago. There’s not an easy solution- you can’t just let kids go into the country unaccompanied with a court date to come back. So they need to be put somewhere and the administration is scrambling to ramp up capacity.

As others have pointed out, the Trump admin had deliberately cruel policies including family separation and Remain in Mexico. But I don’t think the press has been treating Biden with kid gloves on this issue at all, and I’ve been hearing plenty about it.

Biden’s Crisis at the southern border continues to escalate. Check out these graphs and statistics from CBP. It’s an absolute crisis. Yes, there’s a uptick in unaccompanied children, but that’s truly insignificant compared to the landslide of “single adults”. It’s also clearly not a “seasonal” event. It’s clearly magnified since Biden took over as POTUS. Recent reports in some places along the border are mentioning a 40% positive COVID rate amongst the border crossers. Who knows how many human traffickers, drug traffickers, and other nefarious characters are taking advantage of the s***storm going on down there.

And yet Biden and Harris continue to dilly-dally as they yammer about determining the root causes. Do they equally yammer about the root causes of the turmoil and crises in Afghanistan? Yemen? Sudan? Or do they only focus on the northern triangle of Central America because it’s easy for people to migrate from there to the US border? (those are rhetorical questions - the answers are obvious)

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Maybe climate change is extending the peak season months!?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You have so many voices in your head. You should come talk to us more often.

The alleged “voices in my head” make much more sense than many of the hallucinatory posters and their illusionary political and economic beliefs seen on this forum.

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I think often you have good questions. But lack of talking to people definitely puts you in a weird mind, where you are totally sure you know what liberals are thinking without actually asking liberals what they are thinking.

We are right here. We are happy to talk to you about what we are thinking! Even if it’s unreasonable, it’s still better to hear it straight from the horses mouth, you know?

I’m puzzled by your thoughts about me.

Most of the points I made in my recent post (seasonal, UC, surge) were in direct response to posts earlier in this thread. Obviously I read what was posted by the liberals. How is it that you think I am not aware of what others are thinking?

And don’t let this thread drift off topic - The real is Biden’s Border Crisis created by Biden

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Yeah, he made this an even better place to live than the shit-stain administration before him, those racists with their replacement theory. But I’m sure you’ve heard of that.

Ignoring the bolded dog whistle and the second paragraph since you state you don’t want to discuss it, yes, data indicates an increase in land border encounters. The current reasoning is

On March 21, 2020 the President, in accordance with Title 42 of the United States Code Section 265, determined that by reason of existence of COVID-19 in Mexico and Canada, there is a serious danger of the further introduction of COVID-19 into the United States; that prohibition on the introduction of persons or property, in whole or in part, from Mexico and Canada is required in the interest of public health. Under this order, CBP is prohibiting the entry of certain persons who potentially pose a health risk, either by virtue of being subject to previously announced travel restrictions or because they unlawfully entered the country to bypass health screening measures. To help prevent the introduction of COVID-19 into border facilities and into the United States, persons subject to the order will not be held in congregate areas for processing and instead will immediately be expelled to their country of last transit. In the event a person cannot be returned to the country of last transit, CBP works with interagency partners to secure expulsion to the person’s country of origin and hold the person for the shortest time possible. This order does not apply to persons who should be excepted based on considerations of law enforcement, officer and public safety, humanitarian, or public health interests. Expulsions under Title 42 are not based on immigration status and are tracked separately from immigration enforcement actions, such as apprehension or inadmissibility, that are regularly reported by CBP.

If you look a bit deeper into the data (where you got your graph) You will see enforcement is up as well and in line with the bolded part of the CBP quote. You can also find graphs on number of assaults, drug seizures, and currency seizures.

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Sounds like a bunch of folks want to get in on that sweet, sweet, Biden economic rebound.

I think it’s a good topic and good data, and I promise to talk about it. I think I’m just always bothered by your focus on rhetoric and initial antagonism.

I wonder how many are specifically hoping for a vaccine…

Interesting idea. I think Mexico is about 25% fully vaccinated. It would benefit the US if we provided vaccines and vaccination assistance to Mexico. A fully vaccinated population in Mexico greatly reduces the risk of a pandemic caused collapse of the Mexican government and medical infrastructure. I think that’s worth a couple billion dollars.

I thought the Biden Admin started giving the J&J vaccine to border crossers in June?