Biden's "Crisis" at the US-Mexico Border

I certainly agree with that!

Looking at the numbers on the CPB’s website:

Aug '20: 50,014
Sept '20: 57,674
Oct '20: 71,946
Nov '20: 72,111

The jump from Sept to Oct sticks out a lot.

Hurricane Delta and Zeta were both in October of 2020 and hit Mexico pretty hard I think.That some of the spike?

Didn’t you read any of Ranger’s posts. Obviously its just because of Biden.

IMO, graphs like that should really begin and end on an (unlabeled) half-month so they line-up correctly.

I agree that numeric the jumps are somewhat large. And makes me wonder if they changed how they counted.

Also, speaking of staring at that graph too long, I can’t help but notice that single-adults dropped in April 2020 (presumably covid) and increased every month until they plateaued in October 2020, as in, before we even had an election?


I guess that’s probably just what your wapo article already says.

There was just an epic dispute on Hannity regarding this since Geraldo showed up saying we should take in the children and defended Biden. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is it a crisis yet?

(Proggies will say “No because the guys got caught”)

Open the fucking borders already. hell what could be worse than our home grown shit stain whtie “christian” ethno staters?


Yeah, let every person who wants to be in the US into the US.

Because, you know, so many countries around the world do that, and what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

Get your head out of the 20th century and recognize that the humans need to think globally not nationally.
Ancient times: tribal thinking
Olden times: entho citystate thinking
Recent past: national thinking
Now and Future: Global thinking
Far Future: No need for limits thinking

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Boo Hoo I can’t comprehend a world different than the one I’ve been fed by my keepers. Not enough, so little for me, “they” want mine! all while your keepers let you live in filth…

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Your policy idea is so batshit crazy that even Bernie Sanders thinks it’s a bad idea. He was very open about this in 2016.

What do you fear?

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they fear taco trucks on every corner

He is clearly a racist and a xenophobe. We should allow anyone to come to this country from anywhere at any time. There is no need for the United States to have border controls.

I’m pretty pro immigration but this has me :squintyeyes:

I take you’re still reading a lot about the word “crisis”?

Or conversely when there is high risk for conflict it makes sense for countries to unify into larger and larger blocs for protection. When there’s less risk for conflict it makes sense to have smaller countries so the laws can better reflect the individual desires of more and more local groups. I bet in the far future we have lots and lots of little countries with mutual protection agreements.

I’ve been reading about CBP’s projections of Unaccompanied Children in FY 2021 spiking at 2.5x the number from the " FY 2019 Crisis". Biden (and Harris) will soon be blaming Obama for not building nearly enough cages.

That’s a lot of children, which is only an indicator of the complete chaos on the border being exploited and taken advantage of by the drug traffickers, sex traffickers, terrorists, COVID-19 carriers. True refugees seeking asylum get lost in the crisis. But don’t worry, since the press doesn’t cover and sensationalize it like they did during Trump’s Presidency, then there’s nothing about which you should worry. Everyone can go back to binge-watching some show on Netflix. Continue mocking Ranger for his attempts to draw your attention to the crisis.