Biden SOTU 22

I need to catch the address perhaps tonight, but I’ve been reading reported highlights.

“You can’t love America only when you win” seems to be a winner. Also, “With all due respect, Justices, women are not without electoral or political power. You’re about to realize how much.”

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And like everything else TFG touches his social media cite crashed for much of his live blog response to the SOTU address.

I got people working in the house, so I have an excuse.

This. Don’t make me waste my time otherwise.

So far I’ve only seen snippets of the GOP rebuttal, but I think I need to watch the whole thing for comedic value after seeing the reactions from both parties.

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Here’s a video clip from her speech:

Misophonia warning. I’m not usually that sensitive to sounds, but lip-smacking kind of gets to me.

Whoever did their audio did it terribly. I turned it off after about 2 minutes, due to hearing her inhale, smack her lips, lick her gums. Guessing that she had dry mouth due to nerves.

Loved the beige, empty kitchen with nothing in it, and her name-dropping her daughter Bennett and son Ridgeway. Real salt of the Earth names. The common clay of the New West.

She also was, not shockingly, misleading in her statement. She recounted a story of meeting someone in TX who had been sex trafficked at the age of 12, and said that we would not tolerate that sort of thing in a 3rd world country much less the US. But said events happened in Mexico during the Bush administration, not recently in the US. And moreover, inherently support the idea that we should be giving asylum to some of the migrants.


Lol, /r/Alabama mods must be conservatives: