Biden Document Scandal



Hey, at least you finally stopped talking about Hillary’s emails. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


And there’s some more of that revisionist history. That’s not what Joe said when he called Trump irresponsible. Biden said nothing about the Trump’s response to the National Archive’s request. That’s not what was in the headlines when the story broke.

What’s the over/under for when the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama libraries start revealing that they have classified documents in their possession. 2 weeks? 3 weeks?

The lawyers let the National Archives know right away. Biden didn’t publicize it.


Soyleche probably didn’t know who you meant by “the libz” or “hang him”.

If you just want to say Biden looks hypocritical, you could say that and score a point.

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Wow. See I thought you were just trying to be a general jackass, kind of like Tucker Carlson. But apparently you have actually convinced yourself what you are saying is true. The headlines and the news stories were not reporting on things that Biden said. I’m sure that’s what Fox News focused on, but most people who consumed the news at the time were reading about Trump fighting with NARA, claiming he declassified the documents, and moving and hiding the documents, thus necessitating the FBI raid on his home.

Of course, the public was informed of the missing documents approximately 10 months after Trump was first notified. I am sure it feels like it was covered more because after the story first broke in February, 2022 Trump spent several months delaying, obfuscating, and lying, rather than “cooperating” which is what necessitated the raid on Mar-a-lago in May, 2022 So it was covered more because it dragged on for months, which resulted in significantly more coverage, much of which was prompted by statements made by trump. But sure, these events are basically the same so far.

And lol at the “fair and balanced” language of that headline. Plus here is Fox News’ “timeline” for Trump. They don’t technically lie, but the use of misleading general statements, like calling May 2021 “late 2021,” are obvious to anyone who cares to actually look at when things occurred.


What questions did I ask?

And it wouldn’t be unexpected he had such documents, considering he visited there late in his vice-presidency.

First one this thread :laughing:


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More documents found, some from Biden’s time in the US Senate. This is now hugely embarrassing and a major scandal. It doesn’t matter if he’s cooperating after it’s found out he’s been a serial classified documents hoarder for years. The American people deserve to know the type of information contained in the documents and whether more of it, besides the alleged Ukraine information, could have been used in the Bidens’ influence peddling schemes.

Yes, they do.

President Harris will be here before you know it.

Heh, The Economist ran an article last week with the subtitle “Sloppy Joe”. I don’t have a NYT subscription… what’s the latest?

We are now 2 years and 1 day into Biden’s term. So those who were speculating that they were waiting until after half of Biden’s term was up so that Harris could have 2 full terms of her own… we have now crossed that threshold.

Biden is brilliantly bothsidesing the situation to keep Trump out of jail.

No laces in yer shoes I see


Having classified documents from your time as VP is “sloppy.” Sure, he’s allowed to have and keep those documents in his VP office, which is an indefinite SCIF as far as I’m aware, and they could get inadvertently packed up when moving.

But as a Senator, Biden was not allowed to have nor keep classified documents in his Senate office. He would have to read these documents in a SCIF within the Congress and removing the documents from the SCIF is highly problematic. I’m sure desperate Democrats will come up with some scenario, but how plausible? As far as I know, US Senator Joe Biden did not have a SCIF set up at his Delaware residence, nor have I ever heard of any Senator having such an arrangement.

Biden should now worry about jail himself. Like I joked earlier, maybe Joe can pardon himself?

Best possible outcome of this- if you have classified documents found at your residence you are unable to run for office.

Not Biden vs Not Trump 2024.

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