Best things about Costco

When I was a kid, I would stare at the container for hours. My dad asked me, “Son, what are you doing?” I replied, “It says ‘concentrate,’ so that’s what I’m doing!”


Not a “best thing” at all. The Costco 9 miles from my house closed last year greatly increasing traffic at the Costco 9.5 miles from my house that was actually slightly more convenient, with lower sales tax, and thus the one I normally shopped at.

Naturally, in their infinite wisdom, Costco decided that the best way to deal with the increased traffic was to reduce the number of entrances and exits from the street from two to one, thereby quadrupling the traffic to get in & out of there and making the gas station nearly inaccessible due to massive gridlock.

I think I’m going to have to stop shopping there. :sob:


The parking lot exits at my costco area mildly irritating to navigate as the way they are designed funnels most people one direction. The whole place has become a nightmare to go on a weekend afternoon as they appear to be approaching store capacity.

The local Facebook costco group however frequently complains about another location that happens to be locked to a single complex with a target and several other stores, with only one exit, that is on a state highway right off the intestate. I’ve read stories of 30+ minutes to get out of there on a Saturday. I guess i can’t complain to much about an extra 5 minutes.

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Kinda want to investigate Costco stock price, if their biggest issue is having trouble handling more customers than they initially expected.


This chart is showing an increase in revenue per store of 164M to 260M since 2014. +58%

This is showing membership going from 76 to 136M members. +79%

I think we went from 3 → 4 stores locally during that timeframe. The parking lots are certainly within 10% of their max on a saturday.

Stock is up about 8x.

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Got a pound of crab dip for $0.97. First two ingredients are crab and cream cheese, must be a surplus of the stuff. It’s good!


Our city council, which I’m on, was recently told that the local Costco which we lost out on 20 years ago when they come into the local community and opted for a different city, is now considering moving because they are reaching their limit. We are looking for a place that they might fit into in our city.

Which I can attest to. I keep trying to find a time when they aren’t too busy and haven’t really found one.

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My trick has been to go about 45 minutes prior to closing on a weeknight early in the week.


According to an associate, avoid going the first few nights of the month. People on welfare get their monthly amount at the beginning of the month and the store tends to be busier.


And SS recipients?

SS payments are staggered through out the month based on day of birth.


People on welfare can afford Costco memberships?

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It is only $65 a year

I bet it’s a mixed bag. It’s going to be hard for some poorer folks to shop at Costco. While it may be cheaper to buy 30 rolls of TP at Costco, that’s $20. They may not have $20 for TP right now and have to settle for a six pack for $8 at the grocery store. As they say, it’s expensive to be poor.

But some may live in LCOL areas, or are just super thrifty, and can get their head above water enough to be able to take advantage of buying in bulk.

they can also pool with friends in similar circumstances and split the benefits of the bulk purchases.

Sure they could, but do they?

I can’t exactly find that, but according to this site, 18% of Costco customers live in a home with HHI under $40k. It looks like broadly across the US, $40k HHI is around the 25th percentile, so lower-income folks are under-represented at Costco.

About half (46%) of shoppers are middle income (household income: between $40,000 and $125,000), while 36% are high income (household income: over $125,000).


do they broadly? probably not. do some folks receiving assistance do this? yeah. i feel pretty confident that N >0

I agree, but not sure if that is enough to cause the first of month crowds. Maybe others still get paid first of month?

Costco was packed on Monday morning, mainly older men (including myself, I guess). Seemed strange but then I remembered Saturday was a snow day and Sunday was Super Bowl. Pent up demand.