Awful Data Visualizations

maybe this

yoinked from data is ugly


why are the population lines (US F/US M) jagged? does the horiz axis also have a year/time component for that data (while the year/time component doesn’t apply to the genres)?

I have noticed busloads of geriatric women at all the Megadeath concerts I go to, and it does seem like they are not musicians themselves.

Horiz axis appears to be over time, which bears no relationship to genres.

In the comments, I found this lovely (and true) bit:

Why is it quite interesting? The average age of death from people in music genres in more recent decades is going to be lower… because… well… they’re more recent decades.

This is the same error those stupid psychologists made 45 years ago when attributing left-handedness in males to early mortality. And some actuaries, people who study mortality, had to correct them.

Coren has also collected studies showing that the overall proportion
of left and right-handed people has not changed in the US during this century.
He has even surveyed art work in galleries and on the walls of caves to
see how many people are shown holding tools or weapons in their left hands.
Based on all these data, he concludes that the percentage of left-handers
has stayed almost constant through history. The reason there is such a striking
absence of elderly left-handers, Coren says, is because they must die early.

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Are you sure that they’re not just old rockers that did too many drugs over the years?


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“We’re not worthy!” to say anything about Alice.

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